For a crappy year:
Ode to 2004!
It’s New Year’s Eve,
Let’s raise a glass to 2004,
Say goodbye to the old,
and prepare for more.
We all lost a lot,
that we hold dear,
Ray Charles and Julia Child,
all in one very short year.
A thousand soldiers,
they will not come back.
They gave their lives,
in the war in Iraq.
Indonesia is devastated,
so many are gone.
The world will rally,
and help them to move on.
So let’s raise a glass,
and drink it on down.
Last year was crap,
but let’s not frown.
Soon a new year,
2005, it will be..
So keep the bottle handy,
and hold your breath with me!
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
Friday, December 31, 2004
A bonus..
Here's a years end bonus for you... if only we could all be that relaxed!

Not so angry now is she?

Not so angry now is she?
Photo for ya'
I'm at a little bit of a loss for words as far as the end of 2004 goes right now... although.. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say later... so anyway.. here's todays newest photo to keep you busy and reward you for clicking on my blog...
Thanks so much...

Thanks so much...

Thursday, December 30, 2004
How come?
Points to ponder:
- How come some psychic didn't 'see' the devastation in Indonesia months ago?
- Why are pistachio's dyed red?
- Why does my man-child actually know the answer to the above question? Complete with the explanation of the term "caught red-handed"... (leave a comment if you know why too!)
- What exactly is in a Pepperoni?
- If you are what you eat, how come I don't have chocolatey skin and a creamy peanut butter center?
- Why do we make New Years Resolutions? You know they aren't gonna last!
- How come the stupid little angry dog makes 3 times the mess that my regular size dog used to?
- How come you have to tell the pizza guys in Easthampton that your order is 'for pickup' when you call? Isn't that a given? Do people usually call, place an order, and then just say "No.. I'm not gonna pick it up, I just wanted you to make it"... Aren't the majority of phone orders "pickups"... Cut to the chase people.. how about I'll tell you if I'm gonna eat it there, but for the most part, you can assume that if I'm callin'... I'm pickin' up... and that goes for me wanting it delivered as well.. I'll let you know.. otherwise.. it's ok.. you can assume!
- and finally.. for now... Why do Pirates wear earrings?
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I'm sure most offices this morning had the usual gathering around the water cooler with discussions of what super cool/funny/dramatic/reality television show everyone watched last nite... My office was no different - or was it? Turns out we all watched the same program last nite - a riveting program on nothing other than "String Theory" courtesy of Nova and PBS... it really was fascinating, but I've always been a fan of Nova programs... as the discussion turned to the 11 dimensions and membranes in space I could only shake my head and smile... "What a bunch of Geeks we are!" and the really amazing thing is we will all admit it... not too many years ago "Geek" was a curse.. a taunt.. something to be hidden away and not discussed... now we wear it proudly and admit it freely... times have changed... and thank goodness for that... there really is nothing like a good 'quantum physics' discussion first thing in the morning!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Taking Advantage
Once again I have avoided the 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 drive... My office mates have got to be wondering if they will ever see me again.. Oh.. I'll be back at it, but for the time being I'm going to take advantage.. several of my busiest clients have taken this week off - so the instant messenger is blissfully quiet... my next face-to-face meeting isn't scheduled until thursday... everything else can be accomplished from the home office... the man-child has winter break from college... the husband has the week off from work... so everyone is home.. including me... I tell you, if you haven't switched to a laptop computer yet, do it NOW! Every nite I pack up my work and I bring it home with me from the office.. actually that sounds kind of horrible.. who would sign up for that... bringing work home.. well, let me tell you, it's great... if the next morning I wake up to find that the husband has a flat tire, or the kids car won't start, it's a simple matter to send them off in my truck while I labor from home, never even missing a beat.. Get dumped on by 6 inches of snow - I'm not driving in it! Nothing to wear - I'll work in my jammies! Bad hair day - no one has to know!
Of course it helps that I have my business calls routed to my cell phone - I can talk to clients for hours on end and not one of them even suspects that I'm standing in my kitchen while I discuss their website with them.. the only thing I haven't managed to do is to make sure I take all those paper files with me.. I try to make sure the office is as "paperless" as possible but that never seems to be the case - there's always those pesky scrap notes that I've taken while on the phone - printed receipts for purchases - usernames - passwords - etc. that never seem to be in the same place I am when I need them... there's got to be a better way... so I think for this years New Years Resolution - that will be it.. try and mobilize my office completely... Oh, I'll still have the paper goods mess - you have to... there's nothing like a complete hard drive meltdown when it contains the only copy of the website password for your biggest client (note to self - add more frequent hard drive backups to the New Years Resolution!) but at least if I have both a digital copy and a paper copy of everything, I'll stand a better chance of having what I need, where I need it, when I need it!
So that's it.. a more organized mobile workplace for me for New Years and while I organize for the annual tax time ritual it's a great time to start... I'll call you and let you know how I did, but I'm sure your phone number will be written on the back of an envelope, sitting on a desk at least a half an hours drive away!
Of course it helps that I have my business calls routed to my cell phone - I can talk to clients for hours on end and not one of them even suspects that I'm standing in my kitchen while I discuss their website with them.. the only thing I haven't managed to do is to make sure I take all those paper files with me.. I try to make sure the office is as "paperless" as possible but that never seems to be the case - there's always those pesky scrap notes that I've taken while on the phone - printed receipts for purchases - usernames - passwords - etc. that never seem to be in the same place I am when I need them... there's got to be a better way... so I think for this years New Years Resolution - that will be it.. try and mobilize my office completely... Oh, I'll still have the paper goods mess - you have to... there's nothing like a complete hard drive meltdown when it contains the only copy of the website password for your biggest client (note to self - add more frequent hard drive backups to the New Years Resolution!) but at least if I have both a digital copy and a paper copy of everything, I'll stand a better chance of having what I need, where I need it, when I need it!
So that's it.. a more organized mobile workplace for me for New Years and while I organize for the annual tax time ritual it's a great time to start... I'll call you and let you know how I did, but I'm sure your phone number will be written on the back of an envelope, sitting on a desk at least a half an hours drive away!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Fireplace cooking - part 2
We seem to be on a fireplace cooking spree lately - Christmas Eve it was a weenie roast - which turned out great by the way - we all managed to get our fill of crispy dogs - without interference from the stupid little angry dog... it wasn't easy keeping the dog away from the dogs, but we managed it.. it was delicious - and fun to boot!
Tonite we moved on to more gourmet type cooking - well - gourmet by 9 2 Bay 2 9 10 standards... Baked potatoes! Very easy.. wash 'em.. poke 'em with a fork a few times... triple wrap them in aluminum foil - and toss them into the coals.. turn them after a half hour... leave 'em alone for another half hour... and eat.... if you like them crispy though - you can take them from the coals and put them into the flames for a few minutes (still wrapped).. so that was dinner.. baked potatoes with broccoli in cheese sauce topping, and a half a loaf of foccacia bread (slightly warmed in the oven)... yummy! A nice warm easy meal for a snowy sunday evening... and light years better than a ham sandwich!
Tonite we moved on to more gourmet type cooking - well - gourmet by 9 2 Bay 2 9 10 standards... Baked potatoes! Very easy.. wash 'em.. poke 'em with a fork a few times... triple wrap them in aluminum foil - and toss them into the coals.. turn them after a half hour... leave 'em alone for another half hour... and eat.... if you like them crispy though - you can take them from the coals and put them into the flames for a few minutes (still wrapped).. so that was dinner.. baked potatoes with broccoli in cheese sauce topping, and a half a loaf of foccacia bread (slightly warmed in the oven)... yummy! A nice warm easy meal for a snowy sunday evening... and light years better than a ham sandwich!
It's over...
What a lovely Holiday... yes, it was.. Lovely.. and I hope that your celebrations were all lovely as well.. As I sit here typing on my new wireless keyboard and mouse set, drinking my coffee from my new "anti-electrocutionary" coffee pot (nope, not a typo, my old coffee pot was an electrocution waiting to happen!), I am still filled with the wonderful Christmas spirit..
The man-child seems very happy with the selections that Santa made for him. I got to spend yesterday afternoon ensconced with some of the newest 'baby' members of my husbands family - there really is nothing sweeter than babies at Christmas.. The only thing missing was my 'family christmas' and if you read, you know that we did that last weekend instead of Christmas nite.. OH.. but I did get to talk to a couple of them yesterday though.. Seems there was a small gathering of my family at my Mom's yesterday while I was at the in-laws.. How do I know? They called me, on my Father-in-laws house phone because for once I didn't have the cell phone with me... What was so urgent that they had to track me down? Computer problems of course! So there I sat, on my in-laws sofa, surrounded by the love and joy that is Christmas - troubleshooting the old computer that I gave my Mother a couple of years ago - I KNEW I should have made that t-shirt.. you know the one... "Yes, I will fix your computer, but I'm taking your Christmas presents back!!!" So anyway, it's official, I can put "tech-support available 365 days a year" on my company website and REALLY mean it! Truth in advertising.. it's a special thing... I'm already looking forward to next year, I think I'm gonna invite my little brother over for Christmas and ask him to mud the drywall in other half of the cellar, and I'll get sister Jeannette over here too and get her to spot me while I eat my dinner.. I only wish I had a 'mechanic' sibling that I could ask to change the oil in my truck on Christmas day, but I got a construction worker and a nursing assistant instead.. Oh well.. they'll have to do..
Anyway.. here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 - we are all appropriately happy and satisfied and sufficiently exhausted to consider the 2004 Holiday Season a rousing success! I hope you all are still filled with the wonder and joy of the holiday as well..
OH.. and ps.. Deb.. could I get you to come over next "family Christmas" and get your official realtor opinion on the value of my home? We'll do that computer upgrade to Evan's computer that we discussed at the family christmas this year, while we're at it...
The man-child seems very happy with the selections that Santa made for him. I got to spend yesterday afternoon ensconced with some of the newest 'baby' members of my husbands family - there really is nothing sweeter than babies at Christmas.. The only thing missing was my 'family christmas' and if you read, you know that we did that last weekend instead of Christmas nite.. OH.. but I did get to talk to a couple of them yesterday though.. Seems there was a small gathering of my family at my Mom's yesterday while I was at the in-laws.. How do I know? They called me, on my Father-in-laws house phone because for once I didn't have the cell phone with me... What was so urgent that they had to track me down? Computer problems of course! So there I sat, on my in-laws sofa, surrounded by the love and joy that is Christmas - troubleshooting the old computer that I gave my Mother a couple of years ago - I KNEW I should have made that t-shirt.. you know the one... "Yes, I will fix your computer, but I'm taking your Christmas presents back!!!" So anyway, it's official, I can put "tech-support available 365 days a year" on my company website and REALLY mean it! Truth in advertising.. it's a special thing... I'm already looking forward to next year, I think I'm gonna invite my little brother over for Christmas and ask him to mud the drywall in other half of the cellar, and I'll get sister Jeannette over here too and get her to spot me while I eat my dinner.. I only wish I had a 'mechanic' sibling that I could ask to change the oil in my truck on Christmas day, but I got a construction worker and a nursing assistant instead.. Oh well.. they'll have to do..
Anyway.. here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 - we are all appropriately happy and satisfied and sufficiently exhausted to consider the 2004 Holiday Season a rousing success! I hope you all are still filled with the wonder and joy of the holiday as well..
OH.. and ps.. Deb.. could I get you to come over next "family Christmas" and get your official realtor opinion on the value of my home? We'll do that computer upgrade to Evan's computer that we discussed at the family christmas this year, while we're at it...
Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas Eve!
So here at 9 2 Bay 2 9 10 we are a very traditional family.. as in, we have many, many traditions.. especially Christmas Traditions.. So the man-child is 19 (so it was previously reported that the man-child was 20, he actually just turned 19 - bad mommy!) but that doesn't stop him from still wanting the old Christmas Traditions that we've honored since he was knee-high to a reindeer.. oh.. he'll argue that he's too old for a reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" before bed tonite, but if last year was any indication, he'll be smiling by the end of it.. so this year may be a little different seeing Mom & Dad are ready for bed at 8:30pm and the man-child stays up till who knows when.. but we're doing it just the same.. if we have to force him into his room and MAKE him sit and listen while we read, he's gonna get a dose of it tonite.. well... techinically we don't read.. several years ago we gave away all his children's books - and our copy of 'Twas went with them... so we do it from Mom's admittedly shaky memory... you try it some time.. (tonite would be optimal!).. it ends up being a rambling, disorderly, half madeup version that is just too much fun for words.. much more fun than just a straight forward traditional reading..
Another tradition is the annual Christmas Eve weenie roast.. just like it sounds - cut some sticks.. get some hot dogs (natural casing of course, yum!).. the buns and fixings.. and light a roaring fire in the fireplace.. as much fun as a weenie roast is over a campfire, one in the living room over the fireplace is even more special! Although, this year we may have to forgo the weenie roast, frankly, we're a little concerned how the angry little dog will respond to hot meat on a stick.. 2 of her favorite things.. meat.. and sticks.. it's a Corgi-Jack accident just begging to happen.. at the very least we suspect that the only one of us that would actually get fed is the angry little dog.. Oh well.. we'll figure it out..
Presents under the tree! Yeah!! We have a strict rule - NO presents under the tree until Christmas Eve.. this year wasn't too difficult to honor this tradition considering we only put the tree up on Monday.. it just makes the 'present pile' that much more awe inspiring when it does appear...
Christmas breakfast... Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls from a can.. these things will kill ya' if eaten on a regular basis.. but once a year never hurt anyone.. and they fill the house with that lovely cinnamony smell for hours afterwards.. an easy breakfast with a bonus.. lovely...
So.. Merry Christmas Eve from 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10!
Another tradition is the annual Christmas Eve weenie roast.. just like it sounds - cut some sticks.. get some hot dogs (natural casing of course, yum!).. the buns and fixings.. and light a roaring fire in the fireplace.. as much fun as a weenie roast is over a campfire, one in the living room over the fireplace is even more special! Although, this year we may have to forgo the weenie roast, frankly, we're a little concerned how the angry little dog will respond to hot meat on a stick.. 2 of her favorite things.. meat.. and sticks.. it's a Corgi-Jack accident just begging to happen.. at the very least we suspect that the only one of us that would actually get fed is the angry little dog.. Oh well.. we'll figure it out..
Presents under the tree! Yeah!! We have a strict rule - NO presents under the tree until Christmas Eve.. this year wasn't too difficult to honor this tradition considering we only put the tree up on Monday.. it just makes the 'present pile' that much more awe inspiring when it does appear...
Christmas breakfast... Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls from a can.. these things will kill ya' if eaten on a regular basis.. but once a year never hurt anyone.. and they fill the house with that lovely cinnamony smell for hours afterwards.. an easy breakfast with a bonus.. lovely...
So.. Merry Christmas Eve from 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10!
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Christmas Quickies...
So I think I've found the secret to Christmas shopping.. go early in the morning.. and I mean EARLY.. in just 2 days of early morning shopping before work I've managed to get all my shopping done! Woohoo.. now I just have to wrap and bake, and I can sit back and enjoy!
The weather has definitely warmed up.. warm and rainy today.. although the side roads were quite the ice covered mess.. and of course.. driving still is not a picnic.. all that road salt and sand is kicked up onto your windshield.. make sure your windshield washer fluid is topped off! I tell you, I blame the cost-cutting measures by the automakers for this one.. if you notice.. none of the new vehicles come with mud flaps as standard anymore.. next time your on the highway take note of the plume of water coming from the non-flapped vehicle versus the flapped vehicle.. then get behind the guy with the flaps.. the visibility difference is HUGE!
What is with Target? First they refuse to let the Salvation Army bellringers collect outside their stores and now, as I worked my way thru their aisles this morning, dead silence.... not a Christmas Carol to be heard.. not even the 'normal' musac.. nothing... bah freakin' humbug... although they did have a great deal on a Chenille blankie - 25 bucks! Warm, soft, cozy goodness.. Perfect for the mother-in-law that is always cold (and doesn't know this blog exists so there's no chance of her reading it)!
Anyway.. that's it for now.. you may get lucky and get more later.. we'll just have to wait and see if I can blog after a couple of bottles of Christmas Cheer! So if I'm not back here and you are.. Merry.. Merry Christmas Dearest Readers! May your days be merry and brite.. and may all your Christmas' be filled with joy! (I bet you thought I was gonna say 'white' didn't you! HA!)

The weather has definitely warmed up.. warm and rainy today.. although the side roads were quite the ice covered mess.. and of course.. driving still is not a picnic.. all that road salt and sand is kicked up onto your windshield.. make sure your windshield washer fluid is topped off! I tell you, I blame the cost-cutting measures by the automakers for this one.. if you notice.. none of the new vehicles come with mud flaps as standard anymore.. next time your on the highway take note of the plume of water coming from the non-flapped vehicle versus the flapped vehicle.. then get behind the guy with the flaps.. the visibility difference is HUGE!
What is with Target? First they refuse to let the Salvation Army bellringers collect outside their stores and now, as I worked my way thru their aisles this morning, dead silence.... not a Christmas Carol to be heard.. not even the 'normal' musac.. nothing... bah freakin' humbug... although they did have a great deal on a Chenille blankie - 25 bucks! Warm, soft, cozy goodness.. Perfect for the mother-in-law that is always cold (and doesn't know this blog exists so there's no chance of her reading it)!
Anyway.. that's it for now.. you may get lucky and get more later.. we'll just have to wait and see if I can blog after a couple of bottles of Christmas Cheer! So if I'm not back here and you are.. Merry.. Merry Christmas Dearest Readers! May your days be merry and brite.. and may all your Christmas' be filled with joy! (I bet you thought I was gonna say 'white' didn't you! HA!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Toe Jam?
So, I took my own advice and have been listening to the Windows Media Player "Holiday Pop" Christmas Music... Some of them are very nice.. some are a little 'out there'.. but hey, what do you want for free? But... this one is too much.. Luther, you should be ashamed of yourself.. yes.. Luther Vandross singing "Mistletoe Jam"... it was actually kind of pleasant.. until I realized I was singing "... toe jam"... huh? Toe Jam? Really... would I lie to you? So it's official.. every possible Christmas song has now been written and recorded.. Toe Jam, indeed! :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Frozen Assets...
Remind me again why I live in New England? It was a balmy degree out this morning.. no.. that's not a typo.. it was 'A degree' as in ONE... ONE DEGREE! Singular... Un... Uno... ONE! Everything was frozen solid.. it took me 5 minutes to get my frozen truck door open and by the time I did, I was frozen... even the stupid little angry dog, who usually is the first one to bolt out the door, stood in the open doorway, looked out, shivered, looked up at me as if to say "Are you freakin' NUTS Lady? I don't have to go THAT bad!", and promptly turned around and jumped back into her spot on the sofa.. gee thanks.. so I not only have to go out in the cold, but I've got to do it alone now too.. lovely.. thanks so much!
So after much scraping and pre-heating.. I was on my merry frozen way.. only to discover that the 116 and Bay section was glare ice.. after a couple of miles of 20 mph and watching the ugly mini-van in front of me spend more time going sideways than straight I've decided perhaps I'll skip the Bay cutoff tonite and fight my way thru the lovely Amherst traffic.. better slow than crashed I suppose..
Stay warm.. Later...
So after much scraping and pre-heating.. I was on my merry frozen way.. only to discover that the 116 and Bay section was glare ice.. after a couple of miles of 20 mph and watching the ugly mini-van in front of me spend more time going sideways than straight I've decided perhaps I'll skip the Bay cutoff tonite and fight my way thru the lovely Amherst traffic.. better slow than crashed I suppose..
Stay warm.. Later...
Monday, December 20, 2004
Welcome, new readers...
Well.. I've heard thru the grapevine.. and email.. that I've got a couple new family member readers.. wonderful.. welcome Ladies! Now if I could just get my own husband to read it as well.. really.. and it's not like there isn't some useful information in here.. take for instance the "Quickie" post" I did.. (scroll down a little).. you know.. the one where I mention how the State Police have been sitting outside of the Old Dorey Jeep.. useful info right? You'd think.. Well.. it seems that the husband and the man-child, off on their annual Christmas Shopping spree - encountered some flashing blue lights.. and no.. they weren't at K-Mart experiencing one of their blue-light specials.. they were passing by, you guessed it, the old Dorey Jeep building... *sigh.. luckily they only got a "Christmas Verbal Warning".. lovely.. I always suspected he ignored what I said - I guess it's spread to what I write now too! Love you too Honey! :)
So.. Christmasy enough for ya? If this doesn't get you in the Christmas Spirit.. I don't know what will.. we've got a ton of the fresh white fluffy stuff out there... and it's still coming down.. the kids all got a bonus snow day.. although the Colleges have got to be freaking out.. it's finals week.. STCC already double booked alot of their finals, throw in a 2 hour delay and it's going to be madness.. luckily my man-child wasn't scheduled for one today, so he's home today - and so am I.. not even gonna attempt my 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 trip - I'll be safely ensconced in my new home office (which came out lovely - btw!)
By the way, that is the word for the week "ensconced".. (and yes, I spelled that one right - thank you Merriam Webster..)
Main Entry: en·sconce
Pronunciation: in-'skän(t)sFunction: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): en·sconced; en·sconc·ingEtymology: en- + 2sconce
2 : ESTABLISH, SETTLE (ensconced in a new job)
So do something Christmasy.. put some carols on the stereo.. build a snowman.. decorate.. make some cookies.. write some letters to Santa with your kids.. and just enjoy the lovely snowy day - safely ensconced in your own little world - and don't forget to use the word ensconced in a sentence at least once a day..
By the way, that is the word for the week "ensconced".. (and yes, I spelled that one right - thank you Merriam Webster..)
Main Entry: en·sconce
Pronunciation: in-'skän(t)sFunction: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): en·sconced; en·sconc·ingEtymology: en- + 2sconce
2 : ESTABLISH, SETTLE (ensconced in a new job)
So do something Christmasy.. put some carols on the stereo.. build a snowman.. decorate.. make some cookies.. write some letters to Santa with your kids.. and just enjoy the lovely snowy day - safely ensconced in your own little world - and don't forget to use the word ensconced in a sentence at least once a day..
Saturday, December 18, 2004
A Fun Christmas Game...
As you may know we are having our family Christmas today.. wahoo! I've still got shopping to do.. luckily it doesn't start till 6pm.. It shouldn't be too difficult - only one game gift to buy.. Yes.. we have the traditional "Christmas Card Game" at our gatherings.. most people play this game a little differently than us.. here are the rules in case you have no idea what I'm talking about..
Here's what you need:
Everyone brings a generic gift (we limit to under 20 bucks)
2 decks of playing cards (we actually have to use 4 - everyone needs to be able to receive 3 cards from one deck - we've got too many people so we go to 4 decks - 2 decks with different designs for handing out - and 2 decks for 'calling')
Ok.. everyone puts their wrapped gift in the center of the table and receives 3 playing cards..
the caller then begins calling out the cards from the second deck - if your card gets called - you get to pick a gift.. and here's where it gets good.. you can pick from the table.. OR you can steal a gift that someone else has chosen... great fun.. you get to steal that interesting looking present from your little brother and he HAS to give it to you!
UNLESS.. and this is very important.. the gift was chosen with his 3rd and last card.. that is known as his "keeper"..
Alot of people play this game but as the participants select their first gift they unwrap it.. we prefer to leave people in suspense.. keeping all the gifts wrapped until the final person has their 'keeper'..
We've seen all kinds of things brought as gifts - from really nice blankets and sweatshirts to a 5 pound tin of MRE (military food "meals ready to eat") of peas and carrots.. (that one made an appearance at 4 Christmas games until little brother got really hungry and really broke one year and actually ate it! Now THATS hunger!)
It's great fun.. really like being a kid again, where greed and torment are a natural occurance.. usually there is one particularly attractive gift that gets stolen repeatedly and passed among 3 or 4 people, only to be opened and found to be a roll of paper towels and a bottle of windex.. awesome..
So we all get to be mean and steal each others gifts while we have the excitement of trying to guess what's in the brightly wrapped packages..
Then.. once everyone has their "keeper" we go around the table one by one and open what we managed to snag.. it's fun not only seeing what you ended up with, but to see what you passed up or had stolen from you.. and then.. the trading begins.. watch as the poor person that got stuck with the tacky chip and dip bowl tries to trade it for that really cool flashlight... ok.. lets trade the dip bowl for the crossword puzzle book, and then try and trade that for the flashlight..
Oh the joy.. it really has become the highlight of our family christmas gatherings.. the entire family gets into it.. selecting the perfect gift - either funny or wonderful - wraps them as attractively and as disguised as possible - and sneaks them into the house so no one knows who brought what (that's another fun aspect - trying to figure out who brought the MRE! (it was my husband who started it btw!))
Anyway.. I hope you'll consider adding this game to your family gathering - it really is alot of fun - just like being a kid again...
Later.. I'll let you know what I manage to snag..
ps.. if you need more-better instructions, drop me a comment and I'll clarify..
Thursday, December 16, 2004
I have not forsaken you...
Sorry for the lack of post-age here lately, but with the Holidays fast upon us all, my life has gone into hyperdrive... as I'm sure everyone else's has as well.. oh.. but I got an added bonus this year.. my 'family christmas' has been bumped up a week this year.. as luck would have it my 'missing sister' is going to be in Mass this coming weekend - she hasn't been able to attend a family christmas since moving her clan to Georgia around 10 years ago - so we've decided to do Christmas early so she and her family can participate! Wonderful idea - but it deducted a week from my shopping calendar.. Oh well.. for the joy of seeing Deb - I can deal.. Add in the extra holiday work from clients (we want 3 newsletters this week - not 1!) my work load has tripled.. thank you so much.. that's ok.. it'll be awesome when I get triple the pay as well!
Anyway.. excuses, excuses... I'll try and do better and post every day.. in between shopping.. cooking.. wrapping.. triple work loads.. and putting up the Christmas tree (maybe we'll just have to start a new tradition - the tree goes up on Christmas eve.. yeah.. right!) I'll keep posting.. really I will..
Saturday, December 11, 2004
And our first award...
Goes to:
Yes.. congratulations to Cingular Wireless.. for making my life a living hell every 31 days.
In December 2003 I foolishly signed up on the internet for Cingular Wireless family plan, complete with 3 phones and their corresponding phone lines.. Upon receiving the new phones, with much anticipation, we booted those puppies up, only to discover that we had no service at our lovely country home.
After receiving the appropriate permission, we returned the phones, per their directions, only to be hit with an 'early cancellation fee'.. I of course called and fought the charges, which, to their credit was removed, save the $50 "Activation fee"... although I argued that "How can you charge me an activation fee, when the phones were never able to be activated!" my pleas fell on deaf ears and I was consequently charged $50 for the pleasure of this hassle...
OH.. but that's not all.. every month since then - for one FULL year! I have received a Cingular Wireless bill for 1 of the 3 phone numbers... I then get the pleasure of calling their lovely tech support people, repeating my story to 5 different people, hearing them apologize for the problem, admitting they have no idea why it won't cancel, reversing my charges, and promising that it will never happen again.. 45 minutes out of my life... every month.. for the last year! So I've started talking to supervisors.. I'm on my third.. Mr. Robert "Thureau" Smith.. He assured me 2 months ago that his middle name is not "Thorough" for nothing.. that he will thoroughly resolve this matter for me.. (yeah, I laughed out loud at him!) and here's my email address just in case.. right.. like a bad penny, my wireless bill appeared in my mailbox last month.. and did I receive even a 'read receipt' from my email that my message was received? ummm.. NO... so.. here I sit.. in my own little cell phone hell.. anxiously awaiting my next Cingular bill (I've already received email notification that the online version of my bill is now available... Oh the FREAKIN' JOY of it all!), that I'm sure will have a late fee on it because Mr. Thorough never got my email and reversed out the charges from last month..
So yes.. Cingular Wireless.. Congratulations... I can't think of anyone else that deserves the honor of the very first "Silver Toilet Paper Award" more than you! So let's all "belly up to the bar" and raise a glass to Cingular... cause you know I'm gonna need a drink!

Yes.. congratulations to Cingular Wireless.. for making my life a living hell every 31 days.
In December 2003 I foolishly signed up on the internet for Cingular Wireless family plan, complete with 3 phones and their corresponding phone lines.. Upon receiving the new phones, with much anticipation, we booted those puppies up, only to discover that we had no service at our lovely country home.
After receiving the appropriate permission, we returned the phones, per their directions, only to be hit with an 'early cancellation fee'.. I of course called and fought the charges, which, to their credit was removed, save the $50 "Activation fee"... although I argued that "How can you charge me an activation fee, when the phones were never able to be activated!" my pleas fell on deaf ears and I was consequently charged $50 for the pleasure of this hassle...
OH.. but that's not all.. every month since then - for one FULL year! I have received a Cingular Wireless bill for 1 of the 3 phone numbers... I then get the pleasure of calling their lovely tech support people, repeating my story to 5 different people, hearing them apologize for the problem, admitting they have no idea why it won't cancel, reversing my charges, and promising that it will never happen again.. 45 minutes out of my life... every month.. for the last year! So I've started talking to supervisors.. I'm on my third.. Mr. Robert "Thureau" Smith.. He assured me 2 months ago that his middle name is not "Thorough" for nothing.. that he will thoroughly resolve this matter for me.. (yeah, I laughed out loud at him!) and here's my email address just in case.. right.. like a bad penny, my wireless bill appeared in my mailbox last month.. and did I receive even a 'read receipt' from my email that my message was received? ummm.. NO... so.. here I sit.. in my own little cell phone hell.. anxiously awaiting my next Cingular bill (I've already received email notification that the online version of my bill is now available... Oh the FREAKIN' JOY of it all!), that I'm sure will have a late fee on it because Mr. Thorough never got my email and reversed out the charges from last month..
So yes.. Cingular Wireless.. Congratulations... I can't think of anyone else that deserves the honor of the very first "Silver Toilet Paper Award" more than you! So let's all "belly up to the bar" and raise a glass to Cingular... cause you know I'm gonna need a drink!
New Award Announced!
Occasionally here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 I tend to go off on a rant about something or other (surprised?). Well it occurs to me that I should offer some kind of Award for these annoyances and then I received an email that brought it all to a 'head'.. the perfect award was handed to me by Sarge.. So without further ado.. allow me to introduce the all new

"Silver Toilet Paper Award!"

In the truest tradition of all Awards, the Silver Toilet Paper Award shall be used sparingly - and only awarded to the most deserving a**holes.
The committee for nominations of this newest award shall consist of one, ME.
This committee shall not be influenced by outside ranters unless they are able to produce a candidate so worthy, so deserving, that this committee cannot help but nod knowingly in agreement with their assessment of the possible candidate.
The decision of this committee shall be final and irreversible.
The Silver Toilet Paper Award is non-returnable, non-refundable, and non-redeemable. Do not even attempt to notify the committee of the redeemable behaviour of the Award winners, once an award winner, always an award winner.
In consideration of a nominee, this committee promises to perform due diligence on the worthiness of the potential award winner and will only apologize to unjustly awarded awardee's when this committee encounters giant pigs flying thru a raging blizzard in Belize.
All nominations are final and no amount of pissing and moaning shall influence the committee. Should this committee receive a complaint, the complaintant should expect to be the next nominee considered for this award.
The Nomination Committee for the Silver Toilet Paper Award
Friday, December 10, 2004
A sad detour...
Driving home last nite that damn Northampton/Hadley bridge was just jam packed... after fighting my way thru I was greeted by a "road closed" sign blocking off the Bay Road cutoff.. luckily I was able to take the next entrance onto my favorite ride, the cops had just blocked off the small cutoff road.. there was a fire engine.. several cruisers, many many people and the place was lit up brighter than a Christmas tree.. Assuming it was a driver that had missed that last curve before the stop, I whispered a little "hope their all right" and went on my way.. Well... reading the news on today I found the real story.. it seems they were searching the woods last nite, looking for the shotgun that was used in that horrible murder up in Amherst the other nite.. from the sounds of what has been released to the press so far.. it was a case of friend killing friend.. so very sad... 22 years old... one is dead, the other in ruins.. they have yet to release a motive in this case.. although the mother of the alleged shooter has referred to her 'criminal-justice-student son's steriod withdrawal'.. it sounds like the young man will get an education in the criminal justice system - first-hand...
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Dog Tales...

As you may know, I've got a "woman's best friend".. an angry little Corgi-Jack named Gretchen... Gretchen and I have a special relationship... I do everything she wants and things are good.. and that about sums it up.. this 16 pound dog has taken over my home life.. I no longer am allowed to sit on the sofa alone, the little dog has to sit on my lap... I am escorted to the bathroom where she waits patiently outside the door and if I forget the make sure the door completely 'catches' the entire house gets a free peak courtesy of Gretchen jumping at the door and knocking it open.. I cook in front of a very attentive audience of one blonde.. I eat in front of that same audience... we've had to install a makeshift barrier on the stairs so that I may be allowed to sleep in peace.. she was allowed to sleep with us, but the morning I awoke to a fuzzy little body curled up under the blanket next to me and rolled over to come nose to wet nose on my pillow that was the end of that!
Well.. due to schedules and the icey storm I spent the last 5 days working from the house, Oh.. lucky doggie days.. all day attention.. as I plugged away at the computer on the kitchen table the little dog happily snoozed on the sofa taking occasional breaks to come in and see what I was doing, insisting with a determined wet nose, that I pat her... give her a cookie... no, not the cookie, a chewie this time please... let her in.. let her out.. I ended each work day with a pile of stuffed toys scattered around my chair.. brought to me one by one to play tug with.. her favorite being the unstuffed, legless, armless, tailless monkey carcass..
Well... yesterday I actually made it in to the office... went on a couple of outside calls with my office mates.. and as luck would have it.. encountered an office with nothing other than "an office Corgi"... a friendly little girl named Lindy with one floppy ear and a passion for bellyrubs.. and OH.. but how I paid for that little indiscretion.. upon returning home I was assaulted at the door by one very angry, very jealous little pooch.. and the games began.. I must be made to pay.. pay dearly.. you left me alone... you cheated on me... who is she and how could you have rubbed her belly? I was immediately set upon and not left alone for a second right up until bed time.. sitting on my lap was not enough.. no.. not today.. "Today I must sit on her and strategically place my wet nose one inch from hers and stare into those cheating eyes of hers... she will not watch tv... she will not be allowed to drink from her glass.. she will look at me and only me until she realizes the error of her ways.." and so it went.. I was stared at.. stomped on.. made to play 'quadrapalgic monkey' for an hour straight.. sniffed at... swiped with a wet nose.. until I couldn't stand it anymore and strolled off to bed a half hour early.. and what have we learned from all this? Well, I don't know about you, but I learned.. don't leave the dog alone after 5 days of being there for her and never, ever pat another dog and then come home and think I can get away with it... I'll be a good human from now on.. I promise... Can I have a treat now?
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Christmas tunes...
Looking for a good, cheap Christmas music alternative.. Fire up your Windows Media Player - Click on "Radio" - and select your flavor of Holiday Favorites.. there's Pop, Country, Vocal, and Instrumental versions... and virtually commercial free.. just a deep voice every now and then asking you to subscribe by clicking on the banner, I just ignore him..
Jingle Bell Rock on..
Addition to Meme List...
I'd really like it if Blogger would post my entries in a timely fashion.. lately the only thing that will kick an emailed post into the rotation is to go into the blogger interface and post another message the old fashioned way... and sometimes that doesn't even work.. but lucky for you.. you get 2 for the price of 1!
Monday, December 06, 2004
My meme list...
According to Straight Dope, a meme is: a reproducible idea and as such is the basic unit of cultural transmission. In [Richard Dawkins'] words: "Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches."
This meme is basic. It won't create a new religion or even share how to make pot(s). It's a holiday wish list meme.
I list my top ten wishes and if you can make them happen, great. If not, thanks for reading but make sure you leave a link to yours in the weblogs forum so we can help you with your wishes. The exact instructions will follow my list.
- The name of a restaurant that makes really good Kentucky Derby Pie...
- Enough time to learn to play piano - and a really good (patient) instructor..
- An affordable personal chef
- 15 minute Dinner recipes (in case the chef thing doesn't work out!)
- An easy way to socialize an angry little dog without risking friends fingers...
- A receiver for a surround sound system
- A non-suspicious way to break my son's X-Box so I never have to see or hear Halo2 again.. Flag taken.. Flag returned.. *sigh...
- A pair (or brand name) of women's jeans that actually FIT! Big waist - no hips.. save me...
- A sleep number bed. (King size)
- Throw pillows.. lots and lots of throw pillows..
Now for the meme rules:
Step One
Make a post to your weblog/journal. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related ("I'd love a Snape icon that's just for me") to medium ("I wish for _____ on DVD") to really big ("All I want for Christmas is a new car/computer/house/TV.") The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things you really, truly want.
If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you.
Also, make sure you post some version of these guidelines, or link to this post (it'll be public) so that the holiday joy will spread.
Step Two:
Surf around your blogroll (or friend's blogrolls, or just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now here's the important part:
Sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, and if you have a leather jacket you don't want or a gift certificate you won't use--or even know where you could get someone's dream purebred Basset Hound for free--do it.
If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do so, make someone's wish come true.
You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone else's holiday elf--to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not--it's your call.
There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just...wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.
Original meme link here.
If you can fulfill any of my wishes - leave me a comment.. and Thanks!
Going into the closet...
I'm gonna sue I tell you... just for the sheer frustration of it all.. AND if their lousy directions doesn't get us an extra million dollar settlement, nothing will.. If you've been reading along here, you know we are in the process of some home improvements, namely, finishing a new room in the basement.. We've been plugging away at this project since that 'tax-free' day when in a fit of madness we went to Lowes and purchased everything for the new room.. from the carpeting, to the ceiling tiles, to the electrical wire.. everything.. right down to the putty knife to spread the 5 gallon pail of wall spackle..
Now, to be clear, we are no strangers to home improvements.. we built our entire house ourselves... purchasing what has to be the biggest piece of unfinished furniture in the world, a log-home kit.. my own fingerprints, tears, blood and sweat are on EVERY freakin' log in this house.. I spent 8 month swinging a 7 pound sledghammer driving 10 inch spikes, every 2 feet, in every course of logs.. mark my words, we are not 'virgin carpenters'.. we've done it all.. from building walls, to laying tile, to running electrical wiring.. so what is it that has us so frustrated.. those freakin' bi-fold closet doors.. we spent an ENTIRE day trying to figure these things out.. we built and re-built the closet opening no less than 4 times trying to get these things to fit! So where were the rough opening dimensions? Which by the way, is the MOST important part of installing doors.. they must have been the first thing in the instructions right? WRONG... one little sticker on the outside of the box and that was it.. we started with their minimum height 'suggestion' - went to install the doors and couldn't get the freakin things in the opening.. there was absolutely NO wiggle room to manuever them into place.. so.. rip that down and make the opening the size of the maximum suggested opening.. well.. we got the doors in, but one of us would have had to spend the rest of our lives holding the doors in place cause as soon as you let it go it would fall out of the little metal holders and crash to the floor.. so.. rip it down and try again.. this went on ALL DAY! Put them in, take them out, adjust the frame, and put them in again.. hours later, we finally have closet doors.. wonderful you say.. not really.. even after an extra hour of adjusting these damn things we still can't get them level with each other to say nothing of the huge gap at the top of the doors! I'm gonna sue I tell you or at least make a nasty phone call! I even looked for the website of the manufacturer of these instruments of home improvement torture.. but no.. no website.. no 800 number.. just an address.. in freakin' Canada... I'm sure they have a phone, everyone has to have a phone right? How else can Lowes call them and say "Hey, Dudes.. we sold 10 more sets of your doors last month and all 10 of them were returned by previously happy homeowners, who now have bloody knuckles, high blood pressure, and are missing half the hair off the tops of their heads."
OH.. don't you worry.. I'm gonna track these people down if it's the last thing I do.. even if I have to do it the old fashioned way and take pen to paper and slap a stamp on an envelope.. I'm sure they have a 'special' file bin just for letters like mine.. but just knowing that my letter will, for a few seconds, be on the top of their wastebasket will have to be enough.. Yeah.. I'll do that.. as soon as the broken blood vessel in my left eye clears up and I can see out of it again...
Sleep in?
And I bet you thought you were lucky that you got to sleep in this morning? The sky was on fire, and you missed it.. You know what they say "Pink in the mornin', Sailors take warnin'"... It sounds like we're in for a storm today, and from the look of the sunrise, they aren't kidding..
Oh.. ok.. here it is in case you slept in..

Oh.. ok.. here it is in case you slept in..

Friday, December 03, 2004
Handy Dandy Sidebar
A good friend of mine hooked me up with this handy dandy FREE computer program.. it's called Desktop Sidebar (you can get it here) This thing is awesome.. you can dock this little program on the side of your desktop and it's fully customizable.. it'll deliver the weather, news headlines, memory usage and even a picture slideshow direct to your desktop in an unobtrusive little, well, sidebar... I even subscribed to a few of my favorite blogs (including my own) and it displays the latest 20 entries with full text and pictures when you hover over the subject line.. here's a screenshot of mine so you can get a better idea

As long as your favorite blog has initiated the Atom feed, all it takes is going to the blog and right-clicking on it, in the menu that comes up click on "Subscribe in Desktop Sidebar" and voila'.. that's it.. you get the newest entries automatically and will never miss a post again.. Now that's handy!

As long as your favorite blog has initiated the Atom feed, all it takes is going to the blog and right-clicking on it, in the menu that comes up click on "Subscribe in Desktop Sidebar" and voila'.. that's it.. you get the newest entries automatically and will never miss a post again.. Now that's handy!
Friday musings...
The unofficial start to the weekend... oh the joy.. but then I've got quite the list of weekend activities planned:
- Finish wallpapering the new room.. wonderful.. we started this last weekend and quit 3/4's of the way in... who knew wallpapering was so physical.. we were both so sore we missed a friend's birthday party Saturday nite "I'm not getting off the couch, you getting off the couch?" "I'M not getting off the couch.." and in unison "We're so freakin' old!"
- Climbing Mount Laundry... I've somehow avoided that mountain for the past couple of weekends, but I'm down to the cardinal sin of wearing mismatched socks.. well.. not totally mismatched.. the trick is to find two socks that are of the same basic wieght and thickness.. that way at least it doesn't feel like their mismatched..
- Decorate for the holiday.. at least that task is already partially done.. a couple of years ago I ringed the living room with large white christmas lights and loved it so much I've never taken them down.. we use them nearly every nite... well.. to be perfectly honest, yeah, we love the soft indirect lighting, but mostly it was because the only other light in the room is the cieling fan - 22 feet off the living room floor - and the last working lightbulb in it quit on us about a year ago.. YOU try and change the freakin' bulbs in it - it's TWENTY TWO FEET HIGH!.. ok.. so actually we already did change them, but it's been so long you forget that if you hit the switch on the wall now, something actually happens..
- Avoid all sappy Christmas movies... see the previous post.. I've finally shaken that air of depression and I DON'T need to go back there.. I already almost caved in.. last nite they showed that movie with Olivia Newton-John... then I remembered.. oh yeah.. 2 cute little girls with a dead daddy.. a sick sheep... no money for "real" Christmas presents.. and a house repossession.. Oh.. the joys of Christmas!
- And last but not least.. try and wrangle a Christmas wish list out of the man-child.. I fired up yesterday, intent on at least starting my xmas shopping and after 5 minutes of staring at the screen not even knowing which section of the site to click on I gave up.. what do you get for a 20 year old male? He's already "mad" that he got 2 new tires for his birthday, Christmas needs to be a little more 'personal'.. I guess I'll have to ask...
So that's it for now from 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
A few quickies from 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10:
Save the balloon animals! Those huge wind gusts last nite had a horrifying effect on all the balloon-type yard ornaments.. There is a house in Belchertown (left side just before the Bay cutoff) that has to have 15 of the things in their yard.. Not one was standing upright.. Oh the carnage!
Watch the cops! The Staties are back to their usual spot.. the little dirt lot just before the turn for 21 off of 9 in B-Town (near the old Dorey Jeep building).. take it slow people, they've got guns and their pointing them at you (radar guns of course)...
It's not so bad! So in an earlier post I complained about the house with the 6 foot wicker snowman.. well.. their side yard still looks like Ticky Tacky Christmas Land exploded all over the shrubbery, but turns out, when you flick the switch on the wicker snow dude.. he's really kind of cute! Sparkly even.. So I stand corrected on that bit of Christmas tackiness..
What's up with the center of Northampton? I'm ready for the christmas decorations now but the center of Northampton seems quite lacking in the Christmas electrification contest... Oh, someone did hang a wreath around the truck eating bridges "11 ft" sign.. now that's a smart move! You can hear the truckers now.. "Oh.. look at the pretty wrea..... SHIT!!!"
Anyway.. that's it for now.. gotta head out and do my ride...
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
How to get a comment!
What's the quickest way to get a comment on your blog? The quickest way to get a comment is to misspell a word:
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:09 PMSubject: [9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10] 11/30/2004 12:09:01 PMOdyssey. Oh Dee Why Ess Ess Eee Why. Odyssey.
Posted by Anonymous to 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 at 11/30/2004 12:09:01 PM
funny thing is, I'm known as the "Spell-Check Queen".. I can usually spot a misspelled word a mile away.. but here in 'blog world' I just don't care.. my work is punctuation, grammar and spelling intense so when I write for fun, I just write. Let someone else worry about the "i before e except after c" crap.. as long as you get my point.. perhaps even smile a little.. I'm happy.. no spell-check required.. so.. thanks for pointing out my error.. I promise it WILL happen again.. feel free to point it out again.. after all, a comment is a comment.. at least someone is reading along.. and just for your time, here's a little cheer for you.. :)
"You Pee
Why Oh You Are Ess!"
Let me know if you get it.. and if you do.. 'just kidding'.. no really.. :)
Monday, November 29, 2004
Freakin' Merry Movies...
Well.. I won't do that again.. I'm so depressed.. I can't shake it.. it's not only Monday.. but it's a Monday after having watched so-called Christmas movies all weekend.. it's enough to make you want to go play in traffic.. by the time I got done with my Christmas television odessy (that's the word for the week!).. the body count was 15.. alzheimer's victims 3... heart attacks 2... broken relationships 12... family drama's freakin' in the hundreds and George still didn't make it out of freakin' Bedford Falls! By the time I made it around to watching ole' George Bailey I found myself screaming "just jump and get it the hell OVER with" as he stood on the bridge about to end it all.. but no.. Clarence just HAD to show up.. but the topper had to be Frasier Crane singing (and I use the term EXTREMELY loosley here) his way thru A Christmas Carol.. yeah.. I caught the last half hour of that little gem last nite as I drifted off to sleep.. at least that one was funny.. I don't think it was supposed to be funny, but it was.. frankly a nice change from the dead/insane/incarcerated/ill wives/husbands/parents/siblings that I was watching..
So that's it for Christmas movies and me folks.. if it doesn't have a singing snowman or an animated reindeer it in, I'm NOT watching it.. oh.. Merry Freakin' Christmas!
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Alternate routes
So I said I would blog the Route 9 from Ware to Worcester Thanksgiving odessy... one word can sum it up I guess... "eh".. it was ok.. nothing special.. nothing really spectacular.. nothing really noteworthy... although I did enjoy the quick trip down memory lane as we drove through Spencer, where yours truly was raised.. we even took a quick detour off Route 9 to drive past the old family homestead... it was rather disappointing.. they are doing alot of work to the place.. an addition.. new siding... closed in the sun porch (BIG mistake in my opinion.. we spent many a warm summer nite out there sitting on the glider and watching the world go by.. wonderful memories!) but the place was a mess... crap everywhere.. garage door wide open.. broken down vehicles.. toys.. Dad would have killed all us kids if we had left that kind of mess around there.. so it was kind of sad in a way.. to see something that Dad took such loving care of, resembling a junk yard.. *sigh... you really can't go home again, and I guess you shouldn't drive by it either..
The rest of the trip was reasonably cool... the DQ.. many wasted youthful hours spent in that parking lot! The High School.. the bowling alley.. fond memories.. and as we drove through Leicester - the Annual T'Day rivalry football game between Prouty and Leicester.. more memories.. indeed, a great start to a great thanksgiving day.. but for a daily commute.. 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 has it beat by many miles!
Friday, November 26, 2004
Thanksgiving Turkey Tales!
So I trust you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Had your fill of turkey and spent quality time with family, did you? Or is it the other way around? Your fill of family and quality time with the turkey? Either way I hope you both enjoyed it and survived it... My Thanksgiving? Well, thanks for asking.. lovely.. and I lost my bets in more ways than one.. it wasn't the turkey that suffered from the slow oven at Sarge's it was the rolls.. crunchy on the outside and gooey on the in.. LOL but everything else was wonderful.. thanks guys..
and the other way I lost my bets? Playing penny Black Jack with 2 sisters, "baby" brother, and Mom.. they kicked the tar out of me, and they wonder why I don't spend time down at Mohegan or Foxwoods.. Oh.. but what fun it was.. and I didn't think I would EVER say this, but it was Mom that made it so much fun.. a quick highlight? Mom's dealing.. I lost my bet.. 'baby' brother won his... as Mom dutifully paid off the baby, I remarked "yeah.. Mom always DID like you better!" Mommy-dearest without even thinking (which is what she does best btw - NOT think).. burst out with "Yeah RIGHT!" LOL it's a good thing the baby has a good sense of humor.. we all almost lost it laughing so hard.. and Mom.. she had no clue what she just said.. but then this is the same woman that after 'baby' had pegged me in the eye with a stick of deoderant one morning as we were readying for school (which turned a lovely shade of black and blue) turned and yelled at me for "not ducking fast enough".. Mom.. gotta love her.. we're related! :)
Anyway.. that was my Thanksgiving.. a lovely day was had by all.. even the man-child remarked "that was fun" on the way home.. "and all is right with the world"..
Look for more
and the other way I lost my bets? Playing penny Black Jack with 2 sisters, "baby" brother, and Mom.. they kicked the tar out of me, and they wonder why I don't spend time down at Mohegan or Foxwoods.. Oh.. but what fun it was.. and I didn't think I would EVER say this, but it was Mom that made it so much fun.. a quick highlight? Mom's dealing.. I lost my bet.. 'baby' brother won his... as Mom dutifully paid off the baby, I remarked "yeah.. Mom always DID like you better!" Mommy-dearest without even thinking (which is what she does best btw - NOT think).. burst out with "Yeah RIGHT!" LOL it's a good thing the baby has a good sense of humor.. we all almost lost it laughing so hard.. and Mom.. she had no clue what she just said.. but then this is the same woman that after 'baby' had pegged me in the eye with a stick of deoderant one morning as we were readying for school (which turned a lovely shade of black and blue) turned and yelled at me for "not ducking fast enough".. Mom.. gotta love her.. we're related! :)
Anyway.. that was my Thanksgiving.. a lovely day was had by all.. even the man-child remarked "that was fun" on the way home.. "and all is right with the world"..
Look for more
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving!
So it's Thanksgiving morning.. the activity at my house? I'm blogging in between baking brownies, the man-child is still abed, the little dog is happily running around chewing on my only pair of navy blue pantyhose, and my husband is painting the new room in the cellar in preparation for the wallpaper.. Lucky me, I'm off the hook for cooking the bird this year! Well actually I've been off the hook for the past couple of years.. My sister and her 'other' (sorry Sarge - we love ya' but what else are we gonna call ya!) are again ponying up the bird! Woohoo.. So today it's not Route 9 to Easthampton (via Bay and 10 of course), but Route 9 to Worcester.. I'll be sure to blog that opposite version of my commute, you can be sure..
Anyway.. the last couple of Thanksgivings with Sarge and Jeannette have been interesting to say the least.. the first year it was dinner at 2pm.. yeah.. I think we ate somewhere around 5pm.. blame it on the oven.. it was previously untried and who knew it ran somewhere around 25 degrees too cool.. dinner was wonderful anyway.. albiet late.. can you say "slllooowww roasted!".. and last year? Well last year as all of us gathered around the oven to give the bird that final "is it done" test, Jeannette remarked how little breast meat the turkey seems to have.. looking closely at the nicely browned poultry I noticed - Huh? They had put the bird in upside-down! Oh well.. again the bird was still delicious.. so when I got my annual invite this year I of course asked what version of the bird are we having this year? Late or Inverted? My sister replied.. "It will be perfect.. we bought an oven thermometer and the butterball with the pop-up timer - no guessing this year when it will be done and which end is up.." Yeah.. right.. my money is on the thermometer being wrong.. Either way.. it's sure to be a great day.. good food.. good music (courtesy of that musically inclined brother-in-law of mine Fiddlin' Ed).. and good company..
Oh.. and I still be cooking a bird - rotissiere style - thank you Ron Popeil. I'm not in the habit of buying things off an infomercial - but apparently my in-laws are - couple of years ago it was Showtime rotissiere's for everyone! And thank goodness.. this thing is AWESOME - a couple of Xmas' ago I was expecting more family than available oven room so I did one bird in the oven and one bird in the Showtime.. there was NO competition.. well.. there was competition.. at the dinner table as everyone fought over the Showtime bird.. yummy!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Thankful - Part Dos
Let's try and finish this up... Things to be thankful for...
- I'm thankful for our troops.. whether you agree with us 'being there' or not.. this T'day hug your local soldier..
- I'm thankful we're almost past that T'day hump.. ok.. bring on the lights.. the carols.. the annual running of "It's a Wonderful Life" maybe George will make it out of Potterville THIS year!
- I'm thankful for a blog-worthy ride (or so I think) everyday.. makes going into the office in the morning a pleasure.. even on a Monday!
- The $2.87 bottles of Wild Vines wine from Walmart that made dinner on the back porch with my family an "event", whether it was a Monday.. Wednesday.. or Saturday.. just add a candle and even Monday nite meatloaf was special..
- Cable internet, a laptop and a wireless router.. can anyone say "blog from the sofa!" Life is good...
And last but not least...
- I'm thankful for the television show Survivor... a bunch of people.. dirty... hungry.. exposed to the elements... fighting for food, water and sleep while fighting with each other.. makes you appreciate how far humanity has come when people are willing to do this for 'fun'... makes you appreciate your hot meal, warm bed, and being surrounded by those you love and who love you...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.. eat too much.. kick back... and take a moment to tell those that you love how you feel about them...
Things to be thankful for...
Ok.. so here's the obligatory Turkey day blog part one..
Things to be Thankful for:
Things to be Thankful for:
- family friends - you know who you are
- a recovering economy, we're back to pre-911 levels, people seem to forget the effect that the attack had on the economy, and whether you love Bush or hate him, you gotta at least give him that, the economy has recovered reasonably well and rather quickly - no easy task
- blogs and bloggers - everyone gets a word even if I don't agree with them - rock on!
- the digital camera & camera enabled cell phones - now everyone can grab a quick shot of what they had for dinner last nite and post it to their blog - it's not only a "had a ham sandwich" but now it's illustrated as well - priceless
I had a little more than a ham sandwich!
Sunday, November 21, 2004
The power of music...
Flipping thru the tv channels this morning I came across a guy - standing in a field - playing an accordion for a herd of milk cows (there really IS nothing good on tv these days!).. the bovine really did seem to be interested in the music... if you can call the accordion 'music'.. I suppose it has it's place - in your local Polish American Hall - where I am not likely to be assailed by it's shrill wailing.. but they found something interesting.. the cows produced 21% more milk that week.. was it the power of the music or did the cows all get together in the barn after and agree to crank up the production so that guy with that instrument of torture wouldn't come back again.. ever..
Who knows.. and no.. I don't know why I'm blogging it.. I just found it interesting.. music does really have a 'power' all it's own.. it can calm you - crank you up - make you drive way too fast - move you to tears - make you smile - and apparently increase milk production.. maybe all the dairy farmers need to pick up a cd or two of the Beer Barrel Polka, just try and explain that one to the IRS when they question the expense entry of 10 cd's all from Happy Louie's Polka Extravaganza on next years tax return! Really.. it's for the cows!
Who knows.. and no.. I don't know why I'm blogging it.. I just found it interesting.. music does really have a 'power' all it's own.. it can calm you - crank you up - make you drive way too fast - move you to tears - make you smile - and apparently increase milk production.. maybe all the dairy farmers need to pick up a cd or two of the Beer Barrel Polka, just try and explain that one to the IRS when they question the expense entry of 10 cd's all from Happy Louie's Polka Extravaganza on next years tax return! Really.. it's for the cows!
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Another possibility..
Another possible explanation for this stupid picture... "She was so elated to receive the nomination she broke out into a rowsing rendition of the Macarena right in the middle of the press conference"..


Friday, November 19, 2004
Internet Travels...
Well.. I guess I've begun the weekend early.. here's ANOTHER interesting tidbit from the news today.. courtesy of MSNBC and Newsweek.. referring to todays generation as "generation tech support".. how kids are coming home from college for a helping of turkey and good dose of fixing their parents computers.. been there.. done that.. but then I'm the techie in the family.. so in actuality it's not just the 'rents puters that I get to be caretaker of, I've got 5 brothers and sisters, all with various levels of computers that eventually get 'sick'.. this was fine when I was a 'hobby' techie.. I didn't even mind the late nite phone call from Georgia (the STATE) where I was asked to troubleshoot the Mac (ick!) of a friend of a friend of my oldest sister - long distance.. but now that it's my bread and butter it's a little more annoying.. I do this ALL day, and apparently half the nite as well.. (yes.. I wake up with a jolt and a "THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH XYZ'S NETWORK!)..
Owning your own tech company has it's perks but unfortunately sending a bill for a virus removal to a sibling isn't one of them.. or a friend.. or a friend of a friend of a second cousin twice removed.. family.. love 'em.. but I swear I'm gonna have a t-shirt made up to wear to the family Christmas dinner that reads "Sure, I can fix your computer.. but I'm taking your Christmas present back!" Which would probably work.. if I gave them Christmas presents.. oh.. but then maybe I do.. their present is the late nite call "it crashed".. "it won't boot"... "I installed this screen saver and now all I get is porn!" Yeah.. they get gifts alright!
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Crashing Deer...
Actually this is kind of a serious entry today despite the silly title.. there is an article on today about the number of crashes between cars and deer. It seems 4,000 times a day someone hits a deer with their car, resulting in the deaths of 210 people last year.
Driving Bay and Route 9 (especially past the Quabbin) this has always been a concern of mine, especially now that it's dark on the way home. There are those 'whistler' type attachments that you can put on the front bumper of your vehicle that is supposed to drive the deer away, or even just warn them that you are coming. I can't say that they work, at least not for my husband. He drives a GIANT diesel pickup truck that came with a couple of these whistlers on the front bumber. You would think that between the earthquake volume noise of the engine and the 2 whistles that he wouldn't see a deer standing in the road.. ever.. but not so.. at least once a month he has regaled me with a tale of 'the stupid deer in the road/driveway".. who knows maybe we have a herd of handicapped deer in the neighborhood that are all deaf as a post..
Anyway.. lets be careful out there people.. they also stated that November is the peak month for deer crashes.. at various times in my travels on Bay and 9 I have been treated to the site of deer, coyotes, possums, ducks, geese (with babies), raccoons, and even (I swear) a wolf.. Click here for the blog entry on that one! But the best was probably the time my vehicle was assaulted by a flock of angry turkeys.. but that's a story for another day..
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Who picks the pics?
The photo on the front page of they couldn't come up with a better shot than this? Is he really checking out her manicure?

Random happenings...
Lots of little observances today....
That house on 9 in Belchertown with the 6 foot wicker snowman decoration has added a herd of electric deer interspersed with wire trees to it's yard display.. at least they aren't lighting it at nite yet..
The cows were rioting yesterday.. Nellie was booking it across the field.. running jumping and mooing at all once in a veritable frenzy.. very funny.. and I bet you thought cows just stood around and chewed all day...
Quite the thread on bloggers-block going on at weblog forum.. luckily that isn't an issue here.. usually it's the other way around.. sometimes I should just shut up..
Road construction at the Hartsbrook School area.. their ripping up the pipes under the road.. AGAIN.. it seems like they've done that 3 times already this summer.. they even had to build a little earthen dam for the cars to drive over they are ripping up so much of the road.. careful.. it can be a little confusing and it comes up pretty quick from around the corner..
The modern day chain gang was cleaning up the center of the Northampton again this morning.. at least that's what I assume they are.. one of them was wearing a vest that said "Honor Court" on it.. so I'm assuming they are people that got a community service type sentence.. great idea in my humble opinion.. frankly we should put the people in prison to better use as well.. get them all into the schools over summer vacation painting and cleaning.. walk them up and down the highway picking up trash.. some of the worst offenders could get 'sewer plant cleanup' duty.. we had to put up with their shit, they can put up with ours! Renovating the Veterans Hospital.. Start a state run dairy farm that provides milk to school children and put them all to work mucking out the barns.. The possibilities are endless..
ok.. enuf for today..
That house on 9 in Belchertown with the 6 foot wicker snowman decoration has added a herd of electric deer interspersed with wire trees to it's yard display.. at least they aren't lighting it at nite yet..
The cows were rioting yesterday.. Nellie was booking it across the field.. running jumping and mooing at all once in a veritable frenzy.. very funny.. and I bet you thought cows just stood around and chewed all day...
Quite the thread on bloggers-block going on at weblog forum.. luckily that isn't an issue here.. usually it's the other way around.. sometimes I should just shut up..
Road construction at the Hartsbrook School area.. their ripping up the pipes under the road.. AGAIN.. it seems like they've done that 3 times already this summer.. they even had to build a little earthen dam for the cars to drive over they are ripping up so much of the road.. careful.. it can be a little confusing and it comes up pretty quick from around the corner..
The modern day chain gang was cleaning up the center of the Northampton again this morning.. at least that's what I assume they are.. one of them was wearing a vest that said "Honor Court" on it.. so I'm assuming they are people that got a community service type sentence.. great idea in my humble opinion.. frankly we should put the people in prison to better use as well.. get them all into the schools over summer vacation painting and cleaning.. walk them up and down the highway picking up trash.. some of the worst offenders could get 'sewer plant cleanup' duty.. we had to put up with their shit, they can put up with ours! Renovating the Veterans Hospital.. Start a state run dairy farm that provides milk to school children and put them all to work mucking out the barns.. The possibilities are endless..
ok.. enuf for today..
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Monday, November 15, 2004
here's something..
I took some crap for making writing a book sound like the 'easy part' in my entry on self-publishing below, although I still stand by my response that if you don't have the book already why would you need a publisher? It's like buying a lawn tractor in case you happen to grow some grass someday.. maybe the instructions with the lawn tractor should go something like..
1. purchase property, which may not be easy, banks don't hand money to just anyone..
2. plant grass seed, which may not be easy, you MUST loosen soil first, rocks will make it difficult..
3. water grass seed, which may not be easy, watch out for leaks and kinks in the hose...
4. fertilize grass seed, which may not be easy, be sure to get your mixture correct..
5. once grass has reached 1 to 2 inches, which isn't easy by the way.. then
6. purchase lawn tractor, which may not be easy, there are alot to choose from..
so whatever, I'll post the blog disclaimers later... here's a pretty picture to look at...

1. purchase property, which may not be easy, banks don't hand money to just anyone..
2. plant grass seed, which may not be easy, you MUST loosen soil first, rocks will make it difficult..
3. water grass seed, which may not be easy, watch out for leaks and kinks in the hose...
4. fertilize grass seed, which may not be easy, be sure to get your mixture correct..
5. once grass has reached 1 to 2 inches, which isn't easy by the way.. then
6. purchase lawn tractor, which may not be easy, there are alot to choose from..
so whatever, I'll post the blog disclaimers later... here's a pretty picture to look at...

Sunday, November 14, 2004
Internet Travels..
It's the weekend, so it must be time for "Internet Travels" here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10. So here's a really cool item I found in my online travels... Self-publish your own book!
That's right, all you budding writers out there. has what seems like an awesome deal. Write your "great American Novel" - convert it to PDF's - design your cover - upload it to them - make a free store to sell it from - set your markup price - and watch the orders roll in. Cafepress does the printing, order fullfillment, returns, money exchange - everything.. then they send you a check for the markup you specified. No minimum orders.. no setup fees.. absolutely free.. they set a base price for each book depending on the size of the book.. A 100 page perfect bound book is $10.. you mark it up to $15.. it sells.. they print and ship.. and you get a check for $5.. not a bad deal... all it takes is your time to write the thing.. (OH.. and they also offer all kinds of other items.. t-shirts, bumperstickers, bags, mousepads all with your designs on them for the same deal.. base price, you set the markup and if it sells you get the difference!)
So come on people.. there's never been a better time to get that masterpiece of the written word down in ones and zeros.. get typing!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
I can't escape...
With all the complaining I've done lately about the rushing of the Holiday you'd think someone would have heard... but no... what walked in my door tonite? Santa Claus... courtesy of my husband and Coca Cola Bottling.. all I wanted was a Coke, and I got one.. with a serving of Santa on the side of the bottle! *sigh.. I'm just gonna have to give in..
It's EVERYWHERE now...
So back on Tuesday I was complaining the "Signs o' the Season" around 9 2 Bay 2 9 10 were popping up a bit early this year.. and I didn't even mention that house on 9 in Belchertown just before Bay that has it's Christmas decorations up.. complete with giant wicker snowman.. but now Mother Nature has gone and gotten into the act.. yes.. the snow is lovely.. a great photo op.. and I'm sure the skiiers and snowboarders are ecstatic.. but it is all still way too early for me.. I prefer a 'fall' looking Thanksgiving.. with the soft brown oak leaves covering the ground with a few last holdouts clinging desperately to the tree limbs.. the last of the pumpkins and corn stalks still visible in peoples yards gaurded by disjointed crooked scarecrows.. the fall harvest of apples, squash, gourds and turnip still fresh from the fields.. fall this year was disappointingly short and this snow is just too 'holiday' for me.. it's too soon.. way too soon.. I don't like it and I shall not go softly into that goodnite..
Friday, November 12, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Passing llamas...
I don't know if I just never noticed him or if he's new to the neighborhood but as I drove by the little sheep herd that dwells just after Hampshire College on Bay there was a medium sized (as llama's go) dark brown llama stretching his neck out over the fencing.. a rather scruffy looking fellow (or lady.. who can tell with llamas) but cute just the same.. check him out if you get the chance, it's not everyday you get to see a llama.. but then again, I guess I will get to see a llama everyday now!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Great day in the mornin'.. this blog was just picked up by and added to their Weblog listings under "Cool WMass Weblogs".. awesome.. thanks so much Masslive.. I'll do my best to keep it updated and current (and on-topic although I do reserve the right to tangent now and again).. funny though.. it feels a little strange.. "Cool" Weblogs? Cool.. hhhmm.. I've been called alot of things over the years... but 'cool'... nope.. I don't think so..
interesting?.. I hope so..
fun?.. I know I have fun writing it..
informative?.. at times..
picturesque?.. I try to put interesting pleasing pictures up there..
but "Cool"? I didn't think I was doing "Cool".. sounds like a challenge.. I guess I'll have to come up with 'cool' content so that I can fit into that catagory.. maybe a poll? but then you have to have a readership thats willing to take the poll.. or for that matter.. you have to have a readership.. Oh the dilemma.. alrighty.. so if you've got some 'cool' ideas out there, leave me a comment in here and we'll see if I can live up to the "Cool WMass Weblog" title..
Thanks.. and Later....
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Signs o' the Season...
It's definitely beginning to look like late fall on 9, 10 and Bay.. there are signs of it all over the place.. the fountain in the center of Northampton is now dry.. you know the one, it looks like a big pile of rocks with a funnel sticking out of the top of it, and it squirts a single stream of water out of the top.. for such a creative town you'd think the fountain would be a little more.. well.. creative.. but it gets points for simplicity I guess.. rocks.. funnel.. pipe.. just add water.. instant fountain.. okay..
A little further down the center of Northampton I swear I heard the tinkle of a bell.. could that have been a Salvation Army bell ringer? Already?? Not that there isn't a "Holiday Bazaar" sign out on Bay already as well.. television is starting to show some Christmas commercials... the biggest of which seem to be from Target.. it's all I can do to not shut off the tv and run from the room screaming.. "NOT YET!".. I'm one of the biggest kids when it comes to the holiday but this is too early even for me..
Later.. please!
Monday, November 08, 2004
In honor of Thanksgiving...
I imagine these ladies are just happy I was on a "shoot" of a different kind..

Sunday, November 07, 2004
Internet Travels..
Oh.. but did I luck out today.. in my travels thru bloggers recently updated blog listings I came across this gem.. Anne de Haas.. a canadian photographer who has posted alot of her work to her blog.. there are MANY wonderful photographs on here.. definitely worth several minutes of your time.. so check it out if you get the chance..
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Off on a tangent...
Well.. I did eventually get to the Town Hall to cast my ballot.. it did take 'tandem voting' of a sorts, my husband circled the block while I ran in and voted (he had managed to vote earlier).. it took all of 30 seconds.. my morning guess did seem to be correct.. there were far more people standing on the sidewalk holding up signs than there were inside actually voting.. so all those cars in those precious few parking spots more than likely belonged to the sign bearing zealots.. and I mean that in the nicest possible way.. zealots for all the candidates.. local and national.. me.. I just don't get it.. has anyone actually walked up to these people and said "I wasn't sure who to vote for, but just seeing you.. in all your over-zealousness.. you've convinced me.. I'll vote for the person on your placard.." I don't think so.. and they were EVERYWHERE.. sitting at the light in the center of Northampton on the ride home was almost claustrophobic.. so MANY zealots with their "Kerry" signs.. it made it difficult to watch out for those "screw the light and the crosswalk I'm gonna run out into traffic and cross right here.. right now!" assholes.. which frankly I WISH someone would at least ticket if not arrest for their sheer stupidity.. they've got freakin' 8 crosswalks to choose from.. stay off the freakin' road cause that area belongs to us drivers.. and NO.. I WILL NOT STOP FOR YOU! Get back in your crosswalk where you belong! I use the road and the crosswalk depending on my mode of transportation and dammit.. you will too! Wow.. major rant tangent!
Anyway.. I did my civic duty.. excersized my rights.. did the proper thing.. I voted.. AND I used the crosswalks to get into the polling place.. I hope you all did too!
Anyway.. I did my civic duty.. excersized my rights.. did the proper thing.. I voted.. AND I used the crosswalks to get into the polling place.. I hope you all did too!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
You can Vote.. but you can't park!
So I tried to excersize my rights this morning.. I went down to the polls to cast my vote.. and who did I vote for? Well I didn't.. I couldn't find a parking place.. I circled the Ware Town Hall for over a half hour and there were 3 spots available.. all handicapped.. the rest were taken.. so much for doing the right thing..
Who's brilliant idea was it to make the Ware Town Hall the polling place anyway? It has all of 5 parking spaces behind it and if a 6th car drives in EVERYONE is deadlocked and the only thing that will get them out is 3 tow trucks and dare I say it.. a traffic cop.. Then there's the town parking lot across the street, with its 20 spaces.. all of which were taken up by those people out there holding up their candidate of choices placard.. come on.. if you don't know who your gonna vote for by now, chances are your not gonna be swayed by a cardboard sign.. move your car so we can vote for those candidates.. it would be a more efficient use of your time!
So now I'll have to see if I can get out of the office early tonite so that I can go vote.. then I'll have to wait till my husband gets home so we can go together.. at least that way, one of us can keep circling the block while the other one runs in and casts their ballot, runs out.. takes over driving.. and circles the block while the other one votes.. tandem voting.. only in America!
Frankly, I wanna vote for where we go vote.. Who says it has to be at the 'official Town Hall'.. let's just put up a tent in the Walmart parking lot and everyone go vote there.. at least you can find a parking space and you can pick up a pork roast for dinner at the same time!
Democracy for all.. and parking for none! Lovely!
Who's brilliant idea was it to make the Ware Town Hall the polling place anyway? It has all of 5 parking spaces behind it and if a 6th car drives in EVERYONE is deadlocked and the only thing that will get them out is 3 tow trucks and dare I say it.. a traffic cop.. Then there's the town parking lot across the street, with its 20 spaces.. all of which were taken up by those people out there holding up their candidate of choices placard.. come on.. if you don't know who your gonna vote for by now, chances are your not gonna be swayed by a cardboard sign.. move your car so we can vote for those candidates.. it would be a more efficient use of your time!
So now I'll have to see if I can get out of the office early tonite so that I can go vote.. then I'll have to wait till my husband gets home so we can go together.. at least that way, one of us can keep circling the block while the other one runs in and casts their ballot, runs out.. takes over driving.. and circles the block while the other one votes.. tandem voting.. only in America!
Frankly, I wanna vote for where we go vote.. Who says it has to be at the 'official Town Hall'.. let's just put up a tent in the Walmart parking lot and everyone go vote there.. at least you can find a parking space and you can pick up a pork roast for dinner at the same time!
Democracy for all.. and parking for none! Lovely!
I got my own lane!
They finally painted in a right-hand "turning lane" after the Coolidge Bridge for us Bay Road travelers.. It's about time.. not that we all haven't just been using the break-down lane all this time... well.. most of us anyway.. there was always those few that felt they had to merge to the left, only to pull back to the right to go up Bay and frankly they were a hazard to those of us who knew what we were doing..
You know these people.. their the same ones that have never colored outside the lines in their entire life.. they've never chased a rainbow.. gone down a street they didn't know just to see what's there.. they always use coupons and only buy what's on sale..they purchase a mask and put on black sweats and call it a Halloween costume.. they don't 'get' Dali.. a spontaneous change of plans leaves them queasy.. parties are to be planned months in advance - complete with a program of events..
Now I'm not saying these people are wrong.. but I'll take the breakdown lane anyday of the week.. the unknown around the next corner.. the surprise ending.. and I hope to meet you all at the end of the rainbow hunting for that pot of gold, just don't find it before I do!
You know these people.. their the same ones that have never colored outside the lines in their entire life.. they've never chased a rainbow.. gone down a street they didn't know just to see what's there.. they always use coupons and only buy what's on sale..they purchase a mask and put on black sweats and call it a Halloween costume.. they don't 'get' Dali.. a spontaneous change of plans leaves them queasy.. parties are to be planned months in advance - complete with a program of events..
Now I'm not saying these people are wrong.. but I'll take the breakdown lane anyday of the week.. the unknown around the next corner.. the surprise ending.. and I hope to meet you all at the end of the rainbow hunting for that pot of gold, just don't find it before I do!
Sunday, October 31, 2004
To sleep.. perchance to dream...

So there was an interesting article in the Republican today on epitaphs.. those clever little sayings that people leave as their final words to the world carved into their tombstones.. as a fan of the 'art of cemetarys" I have given this quite some thought, what would I like to say? Having a love of cemetarys and the written word this is an important choice for me.. although, strangely, I don't think I want to be buried in a cemetary.. nope.. burn me and dump me under the biggest tree you can find.. but yet I'd still like to have a 'memorial stone' somewhere.. and what do I want to have engraved on it? Well it depends..
If I manage to "go" in my sleep - then I want "To sleep, perchance to never awaken again."
Otherwise give me "Now what?" or maybe "I won't do THAT again!"
Either way, hopefully, I won't need to make that decision for some time now..
Later.. much later, thank you!
Friday, October 29, 2004
Don't Even Think About It...
Wow.. this blog has gotten a little sparse with the "Bay Road to Route 9 Observations" lately.. sorry bout that.. it's the thinking that will do you in every time.. I should take a little lesson from the wise words of BoSox Johnny D. "We don't think - it only hurts the team."..
There's just been so much to think about lately.. the ALCS.... The World Series.. The Election.. Oil prices.. Gas prices.. Why are the apple fritters at Atkins always burnt on Mon, Tues and Wed and yet OH so perfectly done the rest of the week?..
It's all too much I tell you.. my beautiful ride is slipping on past the windshield while I drive and ponder.. ponder and drive.. I promise I'll take a step back and take a good look around on the next trip down Bay... once I figure out if Papa George or P&P has the best cheese pizza of course..
AND AGAIN>>> watch for a double post on this one.. Blogger is being difficult about posting my emailed entries..
There's just been so much to think about lately.. the ALCS.... The World Series.. The Election.. Oil prices.. Gas prices.. Why are the apple fritters at Atkins always burnt on Mon, Tues and Wed and yet OH so perfectly done the rest of the week?..
It's all too much I tell you.. my beautiful ride is slipping on past the windshield while I drive and ponder.. ponder and drive.. I promise I'll take a step back and take a good look around on the next trip down Bay... once I figure out if Papa George or P&P has the best cheese pizza of course..
AND AGAIN>>> watch for a double post on this one.. Blogger is being difficult about posting my emailed entries..
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Home - Trash Talkin'
So I chickened out and decided to forgo the ride into the office today and avoid the mess on Bay Road altogether.. Paving.. Paving means delays.. Delays mean Traffic cops... and if you've been reading my blog you all know how that can tank a perfectly wonderful day.. if you missed it.. here's the permalink to the entry..
Anyway.. had a somewhat fun day trash talkin on the Masslive Weblogs Forum in between actual work.. I tell ya' though.. it's more fun when you can get someone to trash-back.. I'm rather disappointed.. with all those 'great writers' in there.. (take THAT one with a grain of salt.. Hey.. why stop the trash now?) you'd think there would be a little more imagination.. a little more passion.. a little more humor.. a little more.. something.. maybe as writers they look at everything as a 'critique' even when offered in fun.. if that's the case.. well.. TOO BAD.. no really.. I did manage to get a couple of them fired up... over punctuation.. of all things.. some days I probably should just get some work done.. huh?... nah... "How 'bout a few more ellipses, Bombpop... .... IN YOUR FACE!!" ;) <--- that's more trash talk for those of you that needed to have it explained!
Anyway.. had a somewhat fun day trash talkin on the Masslive Weblogs Forum in between actual work.. I tell ya' though.. it's more fun when you can get someone to trash-back.. I'm rather disappointed.. with all those 'great writers' in there.. (take THAT one with a grain of salt.. Hey.. why stop the trash now?) you'd think there would be a little more imagination.. a little more passion.. a little more humor.. a little more.. something.. maybe as writers they look at everything as a 'critique' even when offered in fun.. if that's the case.. well.. TOO BAD.. no really.. I did manage to get a couple of them fired up... over punctuation.. of all things.. some days I probably should just get some work done.. huh?... nah... "How 'bout a few more ellipses, Bombpop... .... IN YOUR FACE!!" ;) <--- that's more trash talk for those of you that needed to have it explained!
How bad can it be?
As I drove home last nite I passed (rather quickly I might add) one of those portable billboard type road signs.. something about "paving bay" "the 27th" and "expect delays".. Who programs these things? Evelyn Wood herself wouldn't have had time to read that whole thing.. Really though.. thanks for the warning.. not that I have much choice, gotta go into the office today.. although I suppose there is always alternates to Route 9... I suppose I can deviate from my chosen path.. but then again.. really.. How bad can it be?? Yeah.. right.. How bad can it be? I suppose I'll let you know..
Later..probably much Later...
ps.. was that a hint.. blogger is taking so long to post my entry via email that I decided to paste it into it's own interface.. it'll probably show up twice, but OH well.. is everything gonna be 'slow' today? As long as the Red Sox aren't slow tonite, I can deal...
Later..probably much Later...
ps.. was that a hint.. blogger is taking so long to post my entry via email that I decided to paste it into it's own interface.. it'll probably show up twice, but OH well.. is everything gonna be 'slow' today? As long as the Red Sox aren't slow tonite, I can deal...
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Missing in Action..
Yeah.. so I've missed blogging here for a bit.. what can I say.. I was done in by all those extra innings.. and then there were all those clever emails that I sent to the poor Yankee's fan that spent the first 3 games emailing me.. I must say it has been a blast.. here's a quote from my favorite email.. I was truly inspired with this one I sent the nite after the big win:
"Hey Jon.. sorry if I was too hard on ya this morning.. you were very nice and I was too busy picking on you to notice.. I appreciate it.. here's a website that may make things better.. go here!"
So where does the link go? - their how-to page on "Choking Prevention Procedure" The Heimlich Maneuver! What response did I get to that one? :) I'll give you a hint... it was a one-word email.. and it ryhmes with "witch"..
OH.. and then there was this gem I sent yesterday:
"wow.. there was like nuthin' on tv last nite.. with the games done I don't know what to do with myself anymore.. oh.. but that's right.. we can all watch the World Series starting on Saturday.. yeah... OH.. but then maybe you don't wanna watch it ..
you and your wife could always rent that movie... man.. what's the name of it? it was about that big multimillion dollar ship that everyone said was unsinkable, but it goes down in like 4 games straight.. I mean seconds, 4 seconds straight.. anyway.. Titanic.. yeah.. thats the one.. I hear it's really good!"
That one set off a flurry of emails about 1918.. how the curse isn't actually over till we win the World Series.. all kinds of pissing and moaning.. I don't know what's more fun.. watching the games or finding creative ways to torture Yankee fans.. Frankly.. I think it's the torture...
ps.. the Sox better keep up the good work, or I'm gonna be in some serious trouble!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Nobodys that stupid...
How often have you heard someone say that.. "Nobody's that stupid!"? Well the next time you hear it, you have my permission to pass along this little story.. and ok.. so it doesn't fit in with my Travel Blog, but then again, it does.. I came across this in my travels on the internet... so it's travel.. just of a different kind.. and I swear EVERY word of it is true.. people really are that stupid! At least these 2 characters are.. Anyway.. here it is.. you be the stupidity rating judge..
I had just finished posting the previous entry into my blog and was surfing through the listings on of the latest updated weblogs for anything interesting.. and OH.. but did I find it.. a little blog called "It's just the thing".. it seems to have been started by a gentleman (and I use the term EXTREMELY loosely) that is either in Iowa or was raised in Iowa cause his handle was "Iowaboy".. it seems he has a little jealousy problem.. his girlfriend got hit on by another guy and Mr. Iowa is having a hard time dealing with this.. You see, he can kind of deal with the jealousy he feels toward HER HUSBAND, but not this third guy.. OH.. and the best part is.. she should understand how he feels cause turns out the girlfriend is a little upset when she thinks about Mr. Iowa's WIFE.. after a little lurid detailing of the nite spent together he then compliments her on what a wonderful MOM she is and how he values her assistance with HIS BOYS!!.. And all of this on a public blog!
OK.. so "Stupidity Rating?".. I think we have to double up on this one.. rating number one for the stupidity of the whole affair, and then rating number two for the stupidity of blogging about it.. I'd give you the URL of the blog so you could send the lucky couple your comments yourself, but it seems to have disappeared shortly after I posted a little 'anonymous comment' to it.. hehe.. Mr. Iowa and friend have PLENTY of food for thought that's for sure! Is it wrong that I'm enjoying the thought that somewhere there's a couple of stupid people trying to figure out how I found the blog that they obviously thought was so private? Panic in Iowa.. the thought just fills me with giddieness and glee.. I can't help it.. Is that wrong?
To quote Forrest Gump: "Stupid is as Stupid does" and it sounds like Stupid is DOING Stupid..
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