Wednesday, October 27, 2004

How bad can it be?

As I drove home last nite I passed (rather quickly I might add) one of those portable billboard type road signs.. something about "paving bay" "the 27th" and "expect delays".. Who programs these things? Evelyn Wood herself wouldn't have had time to read that whole thing.. Really though.. thanks for the warning.. not that I have much choice, gotta go into the office today.. although I suppose there is always alternates to Route 9... I suppose I can deviate from my chosen path.. but then again.. really.. How bad can it be?? Yeah.. right.. How bad can it be? I suppose I'll let you know..
Later..probably much Later...
ps.. was that a hint.. blogger is taking so long to post my entry via email that I decided to paste it into it's own interface.. it'll probably show up twice, but OH well.. is everything gonna be 'slow' today? As long as the Red Sox aren't slow tonite, I can deal...

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