Sunday, January 18, 2009

The first Hoophall Classic photo shoot

The first Hoophall Classic photo shoot
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

I had the pleasure of shooting some basketball down at Springfield College at the Hoophall Classic yesterday. I think I did ok considering this was only like the second or third Basketball game that I've ever shot. You can check out the photo gallery here. Be kind though, I'm new at this and as I like to say "Although I enjoy my time at the University of Learning by Doing, some day it might be nice to take a course at the College of Practice First."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Being a deer

Being a deer
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

It was so nice to find the deer at the Quabbin today actually 'being deer'. Those of you who follow my stream know that I don't agree with feeding the deer and yet there were tons of people who would bring them apples and carrots and all manner of things. Well the Quabbin finally got involved. They didn't plow the turnout where the deer hang out waiting for handouts, barricaded the turnout for good measure, and put up more signs with 'no parking' and 'don't feed the wildlife'. When I drove through today, there were no deer standing near the rotary, but I did find them further up the road, in the blueberry meadow, chomping on the underbrush. Doing what deer are supposed to do, not acting like some desperate pan handler! It was really nice to see and yet on another level, I hope they can all manage to find enough to eat to make it through the winter. But that is nature. The natural thinning of the herd is a necessary evil.