Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm Pupating...

I'm Pupating...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

thanks to good friend Sandra... I went to her very first Gallery opening.. which was awesome by the way... and came home with a new friend... What is really amazing is how metallic looking the gold spots are on this thing... I may have gotten a robotic butterfly!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Gimme my damn pie!

God.. I hate McDonalds... With Mr. 9 2 Bay off in Nebraska for the evening I decided to make dinner easy on myself and just take a run down to Mcie D's... I ordered my dinner and of course, 2 of their "2 for $1" yummy apple pies... Once I got my sandwich and fries it was discovered that there was only one pie left in the bin... damn... ok I said... well.. give me the one pie for 50 cents and we'll call it even... of course that took a decision from the manager who promptly began to refund my $1 plus tax and then to charge me 93 cents for my one pie... and of course the ensueing conversation went something like this:

Her: That'll be 93 cents for one pie Ma'am..
Me: I don't think so.. I was about to get that pie for 50 cents when I asked for 2 pies.
Her: But we only have one pie, so that will be 93 cents.
Me:But I don't want one pie, I want 2 pies, which is a dollar, so one pie should be 50 cents.
Her: We don't have 2 pies, so one pie is 93 cents.
Me:But I don't want one pie, I want 2 pies.
Her: We don't have 2 pies, so one pie is 93 cents.
Me: But I want 2 pies, it's not my fault you only have one, I'm not gonna pay more for it.
Her: I'm sorry, but the price for one pie is 93 cents.
Me: Then I want NO pies.
Her: ok. Here's your money back then, could I please have the one pie back.
Me: That's just WRONG.

So.. basically because they can't do their freakin' job and keep enough pies in the bin I have to pay 43 cents more for the exact same freakin' pie...

Did I mention I hate McDonalds?

Damn... I wish I had some pie...


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Smile for the camera...

Smile for the camera...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Actually with the missing ear action I'm not so sure he was happy about the camera in his face...

Friday, August 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Ok.. so this was Black & White film... developed at the Brand new Walgreens in Ware, MA... Can you see a difference between the two versions of the same scanned photo? (one was a straight scan and the other is the scan turned to Greyscale in Photoshop..) GEEZ M CROW... *sigh ... OH.. and isn't he just the handsomest man you've EVER seen... I made that... go figure!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Even young love calls for serious discussions...

Even young love calls for serious discussions...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Captain Randy explains to Candy that he just can't stay in California forever. Why just last nite a pack of dinosaurs attacked the airstream and he can't prove it, but he thinks DeadEye put them up to it.... A decision has to be made shortly on where their relationship is headed...

Check out the set The Adventures of Captain Randy for the whole story of Randy!

Monday, August 14, 2006

What a girl wants...

What a girl wants...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

What a girl needs...

Another Mystery Solved...

I finally found out who the secret house number crafter is... my Father-in-Law... (thanks, you 70 year old Poop (TODAY in fact!)) Seems it had less to do with making sure the cops can find my house than it did a newly acquired air-chisel... whatever that is... All I know is I love it - thanks! So that's one mystery solved, now how about we work on BigFoot, UFO's and the Shroud of Turin... Thoughts? anyone??

Had a great day yesterday... I actually had the opportunity to go hang out with the in-laws... fun was had by all... we really need to do that more often... not to mention sis-in-law Dina can cook up a storm... the pork was to die for.. yummy stuff and her gardens are gorgeous as well... alot of it was gone-by already so I'm gonna have to make a note to go visit in the beginning of July next year and try and catch it at it's peak... here's a pic of it.. go to my Flickr account for another...

Summer Snow

OH... and I ran into a couple of cuties there as well... Check them out on the Flickr as well...


Sunday, August 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Click on the pic and it'll take you to a larger - hairier version...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Dramatic Sky

Dramatic Sky
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Have you looked up today? OK.. so the sky didn't quite look like this.. I supersaturated it... but it could have looked like this and you would have missed it... so there...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The 1955 Good Wife's Guide...

The 1955 Good Wife's Guide...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

Got this from Sandra this morning... after I picked my jaw up off the floor I just had to 'share' these little bits of wonderful wisdom with ya'll... Happy reading.. and remember Ladies, "A Good Wife always knows her place.."

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Write or wrong... Technical Difficulties... and other crap...

So... I got a request for a text entry on the blog... hrmph... but posting a quick picture here or there is so.. well.. freakin' easy... now I have to like... THINK... so, I decided on a quick update multi-topic post...

What's doin'?

Technical Difficulties... yeah... I suffered a horrific mother board disaster last week. Those really bad thunderstorms did a number on my computer. Yes, it was plugged into a power strip, but the electrical jolts were just coming so quickly that the first jolt took out the power strip and before I could get to the computer to shut it down, we took a second jolt which effectively blew out my power supply and the mother board... it was a learning experience tho.. I had 2 hard drives in that computer, one main drive and a second that I would back up all my somewhat important stuff to.. you know.. like my accounting books.. just piddly stuff like that... so what's the lesson... if your mother board goes your not gonna get access to EITHER drive... so it was musical computers for me all weekend long... a purchase of a new box... and I'm still not back to normal...

Ware Farmers' Market... Official Committee Member here... I read a write up in the paper about a group that was trying to get a Farmers' Market started in town, thought it was a great idea, and volunteered my services... So here... check out the website I've also done some business cards for them.. next will be the t-shirt design... It should be a great thing for the local economy.. the local farmer and artisans... so come on out.. The opening date is August 26th at Grenville Park in Ware from 7:30am to 1:30pm... We won't get into the beaurocratic CRAP that was flung around in trying to get this endeavor off the ground... (I AM SO NOT CLEANING TOILETS AT THE FREAKIN' PARK...)and just say that we have gotten clearance from the local Town Councils that needed to give their blessings... now if we can just scrape the dirt off our knee's things will be just peachy! We'll just file this stuff in the "No good deed goes unpunished" file...

Other Crap...

Cingular is still spotty with their signal... so if you can't get thru, don't worry, I'll get back to you... The day after my last "I've got no signal" call to them, where they told me (in my 1 hour and 45 minute marathon call!) that they were changing the towers and I may not get a signal anymore, I promptly got a signal... *sigh... Digital HELL, I tell you!

Saw a pic of Korey's girlfriend Roberta... (Hi Roberta!) She's freakin' gorgeous... Korey... same Korey as always... ;)

Got an email from Deb... yeah yeah yeah... here's your freakin' text post... Happy now?? the Farmers' Market t-shirts are gonna suck cause now I'm gonna have to rush... ;) SHEESH.. LOL

Sandra... we definitely have to get together again... I may be looking at some vacay time the last week in August... Mike as well... somewhere in there perhaps?

The Man_Jeff.... CALL YOUR MOTHER YOU ROTTEN KID! ;) Oh.. and love ya!

Sasha... how's the rodents? Almost time for another ferret photo shoot!

Jaydo-potato spray starch... got your message... was off and running... we skipped the Flexo picnic due to the above crap and both spent the day working... yeah.. just freakin' TONS o' fun... not a total loss tho... Big Bro called and asked if he could take our meal tickets so they wouldn't go to waste... it must have been some spread for him to use some of his cell phone minutes to ask for our tix... it's all a game of checks and balances I guess... cell phone minutes?? extra lobster??? Guess the lobster won.. or is that lost? LOL

*sigh.. ok... so that's about it I guess... good nuf? Man... those t-shirts are REALLY gonna suck...


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Beautifully Broken...

Beautifully Broken...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

First the beavers came and killed all the trees... and now that purple Devil Weed has taken over and choked out anything that may have been left... this patch of land is definitely 'broken' but still it manages to be beautiful!

I see you...

I see you...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

well... kinda...

Monday, August 07, 2006

New Box...

New Box...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

So... in the wake of the horrible motherboard incident of last week there's a new box in the house... yeah.. crappy picture.. more of a documentation of when I got the new toy...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Up and Away...

Up and Away...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

The UMASS Alumni Association balloon.. actually it's owned by Pioneer Valley Balloon and sponsored by the Alumni Association of UMASS Amherst... We chased it from the Hadley Mall to just outside the stadium at UMASS...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mystery Gift...

Mystery Gift...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.

This slate house-number plaque just showed up at the end of my driveway this week... nope.. haven't figured out who went thru so much trouble to make it for me and put it there, but whoever you are... Thanks so much!! It's great!

I think I have the gift giver list narrowed down to 3 or 4 mystery givers...