Friday, October 08, 2004

I saw you!

Ok..  so not much strikes fear in my heart more than running into a friend/client/aquaintance and having them say "I saw you driving down the road the other day..."   My first thought...  CRAP..  I used to just hold my breath and try and act casual and say "Oh.. where was that?"..  but I've since changed my tactics..  why not come right out with it and get it over with..  so what do I say now.. I look them straight in the eye.. give a little laugh.. and say..  "Oh.... and was I singing?"..  Much to my relief the answer has usually been "no.. I don't think so.."  *whew..  I swear I've sung more backup driving alone in my truck than one of the Pips did in his entire career..  I can't help it.. Warren Haynes (who little does he know that even though there isn't a backup singer to be found in his many albums... and I have them ALL.. )every day there is a woman.. driving alone... along Bay Road..  singing along... "con mucho gusto!"  Elvis Costello...  you betcha Alison!
I think it's been bothering me more than usual because the other day I got stuck in the road construction their doing on Route 47..  As I approached the cop in my lane he held up his hand... stopping the line of traffic right at me.. so there I sat.. first in line.. right in front of the cop.. right in front of the construction workers..  when I realized I had been there a couple of minutes.. thats right.. SINGING... the whole time!  Damn...  my only consolation is that I'm sure he's seen weirder stuff than that..  but I'd be willing to bet he hasn't heard any worse!

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