Tuesday, October 05, 2004

As promised!

Reading back over my posts from the last couple of weeks I noticed that I had promised to post some pictures from my ride. Well I got a good start with yesterday's picture of the truck-eatin' bridge but other than that I've been remiss. It's not that the photo's don't exist I just haven't posted them here. So I'll begin posting some of them up there.. I've managed to pull over and line up a few shots in the past week or so, it's amazing how a new camera will do that to you, all of a sudden you don't HAVE to be in the office at the usual time! Got some lovely shots of the beaver swamp but unfortunately the lovely white bird has been nowhere to be found, Molly and Hector (the shaggy mini donkeys) haven't even been co-operative, and of course the farmer put the windows back in the barn so even the barn cats are among the missing.. although I promise I'll keep trying.. Enjoy..

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