Saturday, October 23, 2004

Missing in Action..

Yeah.. so I've missed blogging here for a bit..  what can I say..  I was done in by all those extra innings.. and then there were all those clever emails that I sent to the poor Yankee's fan that spent the first 3 games emailing me..  I must say it has been a blast..  here's a quote from my favorite email.. I was truly inspired with this one I sent the nite after the big win:
"Hey Jon.. sorry if I was too hard on ya this morning.. you were very nice and I was too busy picking on you to notice.. I appreciate it..  here's a website that may make things better..   go here!"
So where does the link go? - their how-to page on "Choking Prevention Procedure"  The Heimlich Maneuver!   What response did I get to that one?  :)  I'll give you a hint...  it was a one-word email.. and it ryhmes with "witch"..  
OH.. and then there was this gem I sent yesterday:
"wow..  there was like nuthin' on tv last nite..  with the games done I don't know what to do with myself anymore..  oh.. but that's right..  we can all watch the World Series starting on Saturday.. yeah...   OH.. but then maybe you don't wanna watch it .. 
you and your wife could always rent that movie...  man.. what's the name of it?  it was about that big multimillion dollar ship that everyone said was unsinkable, but it goes down in like 4 games straight.. I mean seconds, 4 seconds straight.. anyway..  Titanic.. yeah.. thats the one.. I hear it's really good!"
That one set off a flurry of emails about 1918..  how the curse isn't actually over till we win the World Series..   all kinds of pissing and moaning..  I don't know what's more fun.. watching the games or finding creative ways to torture Yankee fans..  Frankly.. I think it's the torture... 
ps..  the Sox better keep up the good work, or I'm gonna be in some serious trouble!

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