Thursday, July 08, 2004

Recipe for Disaster - Just add traffic cop!

So I admit it.. today I didn't actually drive in to the office.. why? Because of the traffic cop.. it's one thing when they bring the bridge back down to 2 lanes instead of 4, that's enough to back up traffic, but just add a traffic cop and you could read an entire novel while sitting in traffic waiting to get across. Don't they give these guys any training.. or do they just walk up to them and say "Hey.. want some overtime? get on over to the Coolidge." No.. I'm not gonna say I could do a better job directing traffic, cause I can't.. it's not even a skill, it's an art form.. and last nite saw a totally unskilled - un-artful cop mucking up the works.. drive time last nite traffic stopped completely headed east.. how far did I get? Shaw's Motel.. and the traffic continued to stack up behind me.. it took me 40 minutes to get across that darn bridge.. courtesy of traffic cop.. so... as much as I love my commute.. no thanks.. I'll telecommute today just in case he's on the job again..

Oh.. and how many construction workers does it take to finish off the ends of the bridge? That would be 10.. one guy to run the jack hammer and the other nine to stand around watching him.. with their collective heads.. up their collective butts! Enough to make a girl unroll her window and scream obscene phrases while gesturing wildly with one finger.. did I?? Nope.. there was this cop standing there..


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