Friday, July 09, 2004

Even the hitchhikers wear ties!

What a great ride in this morning..  yeah.. so the bridge was still at 2 lanes, but the traffic cop didn't need anymore overtime so traffic flowed rather nicely thank you.. Today was a people watching day and woohoo.. I got to ride shotgun..  occassionally on Friday I carpool it in and today was my day to sit back and soak it all in.. 
I got a good look at Hector and Molly, MY donkeys.. hanging out in the back field.. cute as ever..  the mini sheep..  a quick run through Atkins for their lovely apple fritter.. yum.. although technically these fall under that topic of "never eat anything that is larger than your head.."  oh.. but who can eat just half..  everything seemed a little lovelier than usual today.. maybe it's the nice crisp breeze.. heck.. even the hitchhikers looked better..  or is that just Northampton..  do they make all hitchers wear dress shirts and ties?  I hope he makes it where he's going in time (and if it's the case, gets the job!)  Even the people hanging around Main looked better today.. but I'm partial to bald heads, tattoos, muscle t-shirts, and shades..  course he was out in front of the court house but hey.. he could have been in for Jury duty.. 
Anyway.. Happy Friday.. enjoy the lovely day!

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