Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Mountain is Missing!

One of my favorite spots on my commute is the section near Blizniak Tree Farm.. if your headed west, look left..  there it is.. the Hotel on Top of the Mountain.. ok.. so I'm not sure of it's technical name, that's just what we always called it.. it doesn't get anymore descriptive than that..  Oh.. the temptation to play hooky and drive on up there and just sit and enjoy the view all day..  that is if you can find it.. somedays it just goes missing..  on a clear day you can almost reach out and touch the mountain it's so close, but on those rainy foggy days, you wouldn't even know it was there.. not just the Hotel.. the whole freakin' mountain!  Where else can you get a mountain that disappears at the first sign of rain?  Not many places I'm sure..

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