Saturday, July 17, 2004

Are they done?

Riding in on Friday morning yeilded a new development in the construction on the B'town end of Bay..  A freshly painted bright yellow double line down the middle of the lumpy bumpy holey road..  I'd say a straight yellow line but no.. it follows the contours of the pavement rather nicely..  up and down.. left and right.. in and out..  like perhaps the painter had a little too much coffee that day and couldn't keep his hand from shaking..  but this had more to do with the fact that the machinery that painted the line was bounced around repeatedly from all the potholes..  speed bumps.. and generally broken pavement..  so does this mean they're done?  you generally don't paint the furniture till your finished stripping it but we are dealing with town road crew workers here..  you never know..   they could show back up in a day or two and rip it all back up.. I've seen them do that before..  or.. more likely.. is it because no one that drives that road these days stays on their own side of the street.. HELLO.. they are dodging your leftover sink holes..  mountainous launch ramps.. and twisted tar..  if you think that a little paint is going to keep people in line you are sadly mistaken.. the only thing that'll do that, is to do your job and fix this wreck of a road..  I'll cross a yellow line any day of the week if it'll save me from having to drive my $25,000 vehicle across that crap and risk an $800 repair bill!

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