Thursday, July 22, 2004

H H and H

What a glorious ride in today..  Hazy.. Hot.. and Humid..  this is the type of weather that reminds me of being a care-free kid..  growing up in Spencer, MA, my Mom would gather up all us kids (no easy task I might add being there are 6 of us).. pack up a picnic lunch of baloney sandwiches (yeah it's spelled phonetically.. bologna just looks wrong.. )and a jug full of cherry Kool-Ade.. and take us all up to the Public Park for a day of swimming..  oh.. what wonderful times.. sitting in the shade.. running in and out of the water.. and trying to dust the sand off the sandwiches..  baloney never tasted so good..  but then of course we would delay eating for as long as possible cause Mom was a strong proponent of waiting an hour before you swim after you've eaten..  which was stupid really cause frankly none of us kids could really swim..  we'd just kind of float around and totally panic when even one drop of water would get on our faces..  OH.. those were the days.. 

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