Monday, November 29, 2004

Freakin' Merry Movies...

Well.. I won't do that again..  I'm so depressed.. I can't shake it..  it's not only Monday.. but it's a Monday after having watched so-called Christmas movies all weekend..  it's enough to make you want to go play in traffic.. by the time I got done with my Christmas television odessy (that's the word for the week!).. the body count was 15..  alzheimer's victims 3...  heart attacks 2...  broken relationships 12... family drama's freakin' in the hundreds and George still didn't make it out of freakin' Bedford Falls!  By the time I made it around to watching ole' George Bailey I found myself screaming "just jump and get it the hell OVER with" as he stood on the bridge about to end it all..  but no.. Clarence just HAD to show up..  but the topper had to be Frasier Crane singing (and I use the term EXTREMELY loosley here) his way thru A Christmas Carol..  yeah.. I caught the last half hour of that little gem last nite as I drifted off to sleep..  at least that one was funny.. I don't think it was supposed to be funny, but it was..  frankly a nice change from the dead/insane/incarcerated/ill wives/husbands/parents/siblings that I was watching.. 
So that's it for Christmas movies and me folks.. if it doesn't have a singing snowman or an animated reindeer it in, I'm NOT watching it.. oh.. Merry Freakin' Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Odyssey. Oh Dee Why Ess Ess Eee Why. Odyssey.