Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Random happenings...

Lots of little observances today....

That house on 9 in Belchertown with the 6 foot wicker snowman decoration has added a herd of electric deer interspersed with wire trees to it's yard display.. at least they aren't lighting it at nite yet..

The cows were rioting yesterday.. Nellie was booking it across the field.. running jumping and mooing at all once in a veritable frenzy.. very funny.. and I bet you thought cows just stood around and chewed all day...

Quite the thread on bloggers-block going on at weblog forum.. luckily that isn't an issue here.. usually it's the other way around.. sometimes I should just shut up..

Road construction at the Hartsbrook School area.. their ripping up the pipes under the road.. AGAIN.. it seems like they've done that 3 times already this summer.. they even had to build a little earthen dam for the cars to drive over they are ripping up so much of the road.. careful.. it can be a little confusing and it comes up pretty quick from around the corner..

The modern day chain gang was cleaning up the center of the Northampton again this morning.. at least that's what I assume they are.. one of them was wearing a vest that said "Honor Court" on it.. so I'm assuming they are people that got a community service type sentence.. great idea in my humble opinion.. frankly we should put the people in prison to better use as well.. get them all into the schools over summer vacation painting and cleaning.. walk them up and down the highway picking up trash.. some of the worst offenders could get 'sewer plant cleanup' duty.. we had to put up with their shit, they can put up with ours! Renovating the Veterans Hospital.. Start a state run dairy farm that provides milk to school children and put them all to work mucking out the barns.. The possibilities are endless..

ok.. enuf for today..

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