Well.. I did eventually get to the Town Hall to cast my ballot.. it did take 'tandem voting' of a sorts, my husband circled the block while I ran in and voted (he had managed to vote earlier).. it took all of 30 seconds.. my morning guess did seem to be correct.. there were far more people standing on the sidewalk holding up signs than there were inside actually voting.. so all those cars in those precious few parking spots more than likely belonged to the sign bearing zealots.. and I mean that in the nicest possible way.. zealots for all the candidates.. local and national.. me.. I just don't get it.. has anyone actually walked up to these people and said "I wasn't sure who to vote for, but just seeing you.. in all your over-zealousness.. you've convinced me.. I'll vote for the person on your placard.." I don't think so.. and they were EVERYWHERE.. sitting at the light in the center of Northampton on the ride home was almost claustrophobic.. so MANY zealots with their "Kerry" signs.. it made it difficult to watch out for those "screw the light and the crosswalk I'm gonna run out into traffic and cross right here.. right now!" assholes.. which frankly I WISH someone would at least ticket if not arrest for their sheer stupidity.. they've got freakin' 8 crosswalks to choose from.. stay off the freakin' road cause that area belongs to us drivers.. and NO.. I WILL NOT STOP FOR YOU! Get back in your crosswalk where you belong! I use the road and the crosswalk depending on my mode of transportation and dammit.. you will too! Wow.. major rant tangent!
Anyway.. I did my civic duty.. excersized my rights.. did the proper thing.. I voted.. AND I used the crosswalks to get into the polling place.. I hope you all did too!
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