Friday, December 03, 2004

Friday musings...

The unofficial start to the weekend...  oh the joy.. but then I've got quite the list of weekend activities planned:
  • Finish wallpapering the new room..  wonderful.. we started this last weekend and quit 3/4's of the way in...  who knew wallpapering was so physical.. we were both so sore we missed a friend's birthday party Saturday nite "I'm not getting off the couch, you getting off the couch?" "I'M not getting off the couch.."  and in unison "We're so freakin' old!"
  • Climbing Mount Laundry...  I've somehow avoided that mountain for the past couple of weekends, but I'm down to the cardinal sin of wearing mismatched socks..  well.. not totally mismatched.. the trick is to find two socks that are of the same basic wieght and thickness..  that way at least it doesn't feel like their mismatched.. 
  •  Decorate for the holiday..  at least that task is already partially done.. a couple of years ago I ringed the living room with large white christmas lights and loved it so much I've never taken them down..  we use them nearly every nite...  well..  to be perfectly honest, yeah, we love the soft indirect lighting, but mostly it was because the only other light in the room is the cieling fan - 22 feet off the living room floor - and the last working lightbulb in it quit on us about a year ago..  YOU try and change the freakin' bulbs in it - it's TWENTY TWO FEET HIGH!..  ok.. so actually we already did change them, but it's been so long you forget that if you hit the switch on the wall now, something actually happens.. 
  • Avoid all sappy Christmas movies...  see the previous post..  I've finally shaken that air of depression and I DON'T need to go back there.. I already almost caved in..  last nite they showed that movie with Olivia Newton-John...  then I remembered.. oh yeah..  2 cute little girls with a dead daddy..  a sick sheep... no money for "real" Christmas presents.. and a house repossession.. Oh.. the joys of Christmas!   
  • And last but not least.. try and wrangle a Christmas wish list out of the man-child.. I fired up yesterday, intent on at least starting my xmas shopping and after 5 minutes of staring at the screen not even knowing which section of the site to click on I gave up..  what do you get for a 20 year old male?  He's already "mad" that he got 2 new tires for his birthday, Christmas needs to be a little more 'personal'..   I guess I'll have to ask...
So that's it for now from 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10... 

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