Thursday, December 16, 2004

I have not forsaken you...

Sorry for the lack of post-age here lately, but with the Holidays fast upon us all, my life has gone into hyperdrive...  as I'm sure everyone else's has as well..  oh.. but I got an added bonus this year.. my 'family christmas' has been bumped up a week this year.. as luck would have it my 'missing sister' is going to be in Mass this coming weekend - she hasn't been able to attend a family christmas since moving her clan to Georgia around 10 years ago - so we've decided to do Christmas early so she and her family can participate!  Wonderful idea - but it deducted a week from my shopping calendar.. Oh well.. for the joy of seeing Deb - I can deal.. Add in the extra holiday work from clients (we want 3 newsletters this week - not 1!) my work load has tripled..  thank you so much.. that's ok.. it'll be awesome when I get triple the pay as well!
Anyway.. excuses, excuses... I'll try and do better and post every day..  in between shopping.. cooking.. wrapping.. triple work loads.. and putting up the Christmas tree (maybe we'll just have to start a new tradition - the tree goes up on Christmas eve.. yeah.. right!) I'll keep posting.. really I will..

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