Wednesday, January 11, 2006

All about me 1 thru 20

Well.. here you go... apparently when I talk I about myself the words just write themselves.

  1. I HATE public nose-blowers. I can barely control the urge to scream "HELLO.. you.. yeah you... SNOT-MAN.. you wanna take your tissue somewhere that I don't have to listen to the sound of your snot being blown out of your nose?" I did an entire entry on just this subject, here!

  2. I'm a HUGE news junkie... I'm just not me if I don't get my Fox & Friends fix in the morning.

  3. I live in the moment... mostly because I can't remember the past and the future is too far away to think about.

  4. I'm a terrible friend. I've just can't fathom picking up the phone 'just to talk'. If there is NO specific point to the conversation, there IS no conversation.

  5. I have no patience with whiney people... I may be nodding my head and be making sympathetic noises, I may even continue to read your blog even tho it's riddled with words like "weeping" and "crying in public", but in my head I'm really thinking "Oh PLEASE, suck it up and grow some all ready!"

  6. I believe attitude is everything. Even if you have to fake the attitude. If you believe the world is out to get you, guess what, it will smell your weakness and it WILL get you... If you suck it up and act like you know what the hell your doing, guess what, people will buy it and not mess with you.

  7. I believe that if you fake an attitude long enuf, it will BECOME your real attitude.

  8. I have faked an attitude in the past and now it is just "me".

  9. I'm addicted to Pepsi. I limit myself to 1 per day, but if I don't get it, I get antsy.

  10. Stupidity makes me angry. Other peoples stupidity makes me mad. My own stupidity makes me furious.

  11. I'm uncomfortable in new surroundings. New restaraunts make me uneasy and new grocery stores make me crazy.

  12. I get depressed when the weather is grey and cold, kind of like it has been for this whole freakin' month.

  13. I love the sound of a deep, gruff male voice, singing.

  14. I'm always up for solving a puzzle or a mystery. The tougher the better, make it too easy and I'll just get annoyed.

  15. I'm a closet country music fan. I hate the twangy voiced, crying in my beer type songs (see the entry #5 on whiney people) but occasionally you get a turn of the phrase that just dazzles me. Case in point Garth Brooks "We bury the hatchet but leave the handle stickin' out" YEEHHAAA!

  16. Living in the past only makes you late.

  17. Everyone deserves a second chance. I'll watch you like a freakin' hawk, but you'll get a second chance.

  18. I'm great at making excuses for people's bad behaviour. Johnny Damon? While everyone was screaming traitor, all I could see was, 52 million? Yeah, I'd be gone quicker than you could MapQuest directions to Yankee Stadium.

  19. I wish I had a body like Angelina Jolie, but then I think, I'd just ruin it with my horrible chocolate cake addiction so why bother.

  20. Sometimes I think I really need to start faking a new attitude.

Okie doke. I guess you'll just have to wait for the other 80 items...

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