Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Beats me...

Ok.. ok... beating taken... here's your post for the day... or a beginning to one anyway... It seems the latest trend (at least in the blogs that I read) is to publish a listing of "100 Things About Me"... I suppose this is supposed to help you, Dear Readers, get a better idea of the 'whole person' that is behind the opinions, rants, raves and general postings you are reading... great... I love nothing more than displaying the state of my mental health here, in writing, for all 3 of you to see!

I don't know tho.. ONE HUNDRED things... some days I have a hard time coming up with 5 things that could be used to define who I am... I like to think it's because I'm ever changing... yeah... right... sounds like a good excuse, doesn't it? OK.. truth be told.. I like being semi-anonymous... OH... well.. looks like I've got my number 1 thing about me right there... hey... this may be easier than I thought... now I just have to turn that 1 into 99 more... no sweat...

I suppose I can give it a shot... but no promises, ok? I don't like disappointing people... OH... TWO... I'VE GOT TWO THINGS ABOUT ME! WOOHOO...


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