They say you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.. well.. apparently.. a dog can lead YOU to water and you can watch her drink... unfortunately... it was off the cellar floor that she was drinking... within 5 minutes of Mr. 9 2 Bay walking out the door to catch his latest flight.. I followed the stupid little angry dog into the cellar only to find that the well tank had AGAIN blown a pin hole leak... luckily I caught this one within what must have been only minutes.. the first time was just as I was readying to run out the door to pick up Mr. 9 2 Bay at the airport limo dropoff spot, we only lucked out that the company that poured the cement floor in the cellar did a great job of angling the floor toward the floor drain...
So, it's been a lovely morning... as I watch Mr. 9 2 Bay's plane on the flight tracker as he wings his way obliviously toward San Jose (yes.. I do know the way to San Jose!)I spent the morning draining water tanks... mixing up nasty quick-steel chemicals... and patching the tank... at least this time I knew what to do... and obviously the next step will be picking up that replacement tank before Mr. 9 2 Bay heads off on ANOTHER business trip and the whole tank blows into a million shards of very wet metal! sheesh...
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