I seem to be starting a new theme here.. the birds of 9 2 Bay... it's not a total accident, I did request a bird feeder for outside my office window from Santa and true to his word he delivered... Thanks to the lovely thaw we had last week we were finally able to get my shephards hook out of the ground in the front of the house moved to outside my window.. in perfect view of my office chair... with much anticipation I assembled my new feeder and hung it up and waited.. and waited.. and waited... for days... nothing.. noticing that I did have some chickadee's playing in the trees out back I moved the feeder to a branch on the edge of the woods... within minutes I had a flurry of feathers and a cache of chickadees out there having themselves a good old fashioned picnic... after an hour or so I moved the feeder back to the hook by the window and the birds dutifully followed... success... so here's the first in what is sure to be a full series of my little visitors...

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