Friday, July 29, 2005


de-signed doors

Well I managed to rip the sign right off those lovely doors! (And of course I just had to add those lovely poster edges again...) Came out pretty darn good if I say so myself - I managed to match the color of the surrounding door but then I realized there should be another triangle rosette thingy under that sign so I had to go back in and grow one, but then, I once grew hair on a bald man's head with Photoshop - he looked 20 years younger and I gained a whole new level of respect from the client... I love it when everyone wins!


ps... for a REALLY cool effect.. right click on the pic and select "set as background" this will change your desktop picture so be warned... make sure you have your desktop set as "tiled" (right click on the desktop - go to properties - click on the 'desktop' tab - and select 'tile' from the dropdown box)... awesome effect.. the other pic that I love doing this with is the potpouri photoshopped cosmo below... give it a try!

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