Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Revisiting My Bigass...

Well... that was an interesting psychological experiment - one for the record books.. seems.. "My Bigass" got the most comments EVER in the 2 years or so that I've been writing this blog... EVER... let's all just digest that little bit of info... EVER! Oh... and you didn't even see all the responses cause a couple came in via email... this was my particular favorite...

since you put your big butt,,and i quote,,on the blog,it takes forever to come up ,,,lol

Right... so my Bigass was SO big it even slowed down the loading time of my blog... great! (It was an issue with Blogger.. I SWEAR...)

Really... thanks for the response everyone... My Bigass and I both appreciate it... now I just have to figure out what body part to photograph next to keep these comments coming! Are you scared yet? HA!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shakin' in my boots!