Saturday, March 11, 2006


Are you new and interesting? Do you live faraway? Do you have some fascinating ideas? Do you know something that I don't know? Check it out.. your supposed to email me today... How do I know this? Check out today's horoscope:

Gemini: Letters, phone calls, or emails from far away could put you in touch with new and interesting people. These people could well bring some fascinating ideas your way, dear Gemini. Shared knowledge can lead to mutual advancement on both material and spiritual levels, and this process just might turn a casual acquaintance into a firm friend. Expect a lot of contact with these people for a long time to come. Enjoy your day.

So what are you waiting for?? It says it's gonna lead to MUTUAL ADVANCEMENT... advancement.. it's a good thing... so shoot me a note already!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me? You talking to ME??! I don't know if Hadley is that far away but I'm giving it my best shot! I sure know I'm getting my part of the advancement deal but you? I ain't got much to offer other than trying to track down that nasty kid o' yours and make him realize what that empty nest thing is all about. Best you can do is hope some day he has a kid just like him who packs up and doesn't looks back. Call your mom kiddo! But ya know, even if you don't, she's gonna love you anyway. Guess it just works that way. But we moms do keep score. Just wait till the day (hopefully, YEARS from now) when you're looking for a babysitter! HA! ;o)