Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I got a present this weekened.. woohoo... no.. you didn't miss my birthday or my anniversary (no worries I'll be sure to remind you when it is my birthday with explicit instructions on where to send your gifts!)... this was one of those lovely unexpected, no reason at all, presents.. which in my opinion is the VERY best kind... Here's a picture.. yeah.. it's one of those crappy cell phone pics and I'll take a better one later but you can get the idea..

Nice huh? I got a 4 candle version... Now.. the nicest thing about this is it was handmade by my loving sisters... It seems they get together often for a quiet day of crafting... you know kind of like people in an insane asylum, it's all very calming and keeps the need for medication to a minimum... and I got the benefit in the way of a lovely candle holder... yeah!
Anyway... it was a nice Sunday visit when they presented me with my gift, although way too short... we barely had time to finish our toilet paper comparison conversation... that's right.. gifts AND stimulating conversation... by the way... it's 2 to 1 for the single ply version... Charmin leaves enuf lint on your butt that you could spin it into a nifty 2 ply yarn and knit yourself a new pair of underwear and that medium weight Soft n' Gentle stuff is perfect for leaving little wadded up pis balls on your butt (you know.. like spit balls but with... oh you get the idea!) So single ply it is... Ayup... it was a great visit... thanks ladies... everytime I light my new candle holder I'll think of you and piss balls... Thanks so much! Love ya!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't realize I had such talented sisters!