A half a mile hike in the woods I was told... well.. ok.. almost 2 hours of mountain climbing later... success.. we actually found the cache... Now.. the view.. definitely spectacular... but when you take a desk bound smoker of a computer geek and try and haul their fat butt up a mountain, there's bound to be some whining... and whine I did.. ALL the way up the freakin' mountain... and yet somehow.. it was still fun.. I can whine like a champ but apparently I'm really funny when I do.. I tell you tho.. if your a geocacher and your thinking of attempting this one.. go prepared... I was working on a half a bowl of Raisin Bran and 3 cups of coffee... Water?? We don't need no stinkin' water... yeah right.. half way up the mountain I beginning to threaten to start sucking on the ice flows coming out of the mountainside... 3/4's of the way up.. I sent Mr. 9 2 Bay up the cliff with a rock to hack me off a chunk... I tell ya' that was the best freakin' icicle I ever ate!
So it was a torturous afternoon.. filled with whine served on the rocks... and this evening will entail a date with my couch and long hot soak in my bathtub... next time I'LL read the description on geocaching.com...
So.. we went.. we climbed.. we conquered.. and here's some pics for you to enjoy.. I just wish you could have come with... I hate sufferring alone...
The view from the bottom.
The view from the top.
The cache itself.
Not just Later.. never again.. ;)
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