No.. are you kidding... have you seen the way these people live? No freakin' way... I just want to go on the show so I can have naming rights for the new tribe after the merge... First, I'd dub the new Tribe "Fahkarwee"... Then I'd make myself a sign and hang it around my neck saying "Chief Wierdah"... at the next tribal council I would announce to the world that "I am Chief of the new tribe.. Chief Wierdah... Fahkarwee Tribe"! HA... Think they'd let me? OK.. so I'm a little tired today...
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Fun with Crazy Daisies and Flickr Toys!
Yes, you will be seeing lots of Crazy Daisies in the coming days... They have kind of become a thorn in my side tho... trying desperately to get them 'lit' properly.... keeping their bright colors... AND a pure white background... AND getting no shadows (or at least minimal shadow) is proving more difficult than I anticipated... good thing I'm not shooting with film!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Idol Next Week...
Next week is COUNTRY MUSIC... just shoot me in the head with my 30 odd 6, put me in the bed of my pickup truck, drive me across the Chattahoochie, and bury me with my best huntin' dog! YEEHAH...
Crazy Daisies
Lookout... I picked up some new flowers today.. Crazy Daisies... yes, that is the actual colors of them, the only thing I added was some "noisy blur" to soften the edges a bit.
I found these last year when older (MUCH OLDER) big sis was having menopause issues.. again.. she is MUCH MUCH OLDER than I am... not only are they bright and beautiful but the name is just too perfect for someone suffering thru "the change"... I had to drive to Palmer to find them, but find them I did... I'm sure your gonna see lots more of them!
I found these last year when older (MUCH OLDER) big sis was having menopause issues.. again.. she is MUCH MUCH OLDER than I am... not only are they bright and beautiful but the name is just too perfect for someone suffering thru "the change"... I had to drive to Palmer to find them, but find them I did... I'm sure your gonna see lots more of them!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Porcelin Tulip
Still playing with lights, backdrops and shadows...
I've had the China Doll since a 4th grade field trip to the Boston Museum. And I still love her!
I've had the China Doll since a 4th grade field trip to the Boston Museum. And I still love her!
Wasted Idol
Man... what a mess last nite... What were they thinking? I know that's what I was thinking... "Suds in a Bucket"? "Forrest... Forrest Pickler" needs to go back to the blonde Gump act! "A Real Good Man"? Apparently a Real Good Man with a mouth full of hot sh*t... Gospel?? GEEZ... Ace? With that performance it wasn't only Jupiter that was crying! The only one worth listening to was Taylor and even he didn't choose the best song but at least he sounded good doing it...
I think alot of them did more damage than good with their choices last nite... it really was a peek at the kind of albums their gonna want to release if they win... so... When was the last time you purchased a Gospel album? NEVER?? ok.. maybe that's just me.. What a waste of an hour... *sigh...
I think alot of them did more damage than good with their choices last nite... it really was a peek at the kind of albums their gonna want to release if they win... so... When was the last time you purchased a Gospel album? NEVER?? ok.. maybe that's just me.. What a waste of an hour... *sigh...
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
How many ways...
How many ways can you photograph a tulip? Let me count the ways...
I'm determined to get my 4 bucks worth outta these. Good photography models that work cheap and don't complain about having to sit still - NOT that easy to come by!
I'm sure you'll see more...
I'm determined to get my 4 bucks worth outta these. Good photography models that work cheap and don't complain about having to sit still - NOT that easy to come by!
I'm sure you'll see more...
Wine and Roses... Not
I'm just not the wine and roses kinda girl - give me a beer and some tulips and I'll love you forever!
A little more conservative than pics of my butt, don't you think?
A little more conservative than pics of my butt, don't you think?
Rosey Lips
Spring just can't get here soon enough for me, so I rushed it and went out and bought myself some tulips yesterday - lovely, no?
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Covered Bridge
This mornings project while I wait for Mr. 9 2 Bay to get ready so we can head back out with the camera. I may even be able to get some blue skys today, won't that be a change!
Anyway, here's 2 views of the covered bridge in Hardwick. I like it.. What do you think?
Anyway, here's 2 views of the covered bridge in Hardwick. I like it.. What do you think?
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Taxidermy Magazine!
Yes.. more fun with Flickr Toys... Anyone wanna buy a subscription?
Order now and get a copy of our latest book "What to do when Fluffy isn't so fluffy anymore!"
FREE with your paid subscription.
Order now and get a copy of our latest book "What to do when Fluffy isn't so fluffy anymore!"
FREE with your paid subscription.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Idol Bites...
Yeah.. I'm still hooked on that stupid show.. so here's my predictions...
Top 3 - Chris, Mandisa and Taylor - in that order...
Who's next to go? Bucky.. PLEASE let it be Bucky...
Who's gonna go far but should be immediately dumped? "Forrest.. Forrest Pickler"...
Of all the performances so far are there any that I would spend 88 cents to download from - Chris Daughtry's "I Walk the Line"... brilliant.. Alternative Cash, who would have thought.. well apparently Chris.. and that's why he needs to win this thing!
Dumbest schtick... Taylor... Dude.. you got a great voice - quit it with the Ray Charles poses - it's gonna get you booted Buddy!
Top 3 - Chris, Mandisa and Taylor - in that order...
Who's next to go? Bucky.. PLEASE let it be Bucky...
Who's gonna go far but should be immediately dumped? "Forrest.. Forrest Pickler"...
Of all the performances so far are there any that I would spend 88 cents to download from - Chris Daughtry's "I Walk the Line"... brilliant.. Alternative Cash, who would have thought.. well apparently Chris.. and that's why he needs to win this thing!
Dumbest schtick... Taylor... Dude.. you got a great voice - quit it with the Ray Charles poses - it's gonna get you booted Buddy!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Unintentional Body Parts...
Well that was just too funny! Two entries ago I threatened to put another of my body part pics up on the blog, and then yesterday I go and put up a pic of my feet. I didn't even realize I was following through on my threat until I got a comment last nite saying "first your butt, now your feet - what's next?"... too funny... it was completely unintentional... I was playing around in one of Flickr's forums and the topic was "Our Poster Children" (check 'em out some of them are brilliant!)suggesting that we take one of our pics and make a motivational poster out of them... and I selected my "Feet" picture... I liked it so much I then posted it to the blog... I was following thru on my threat and didn't even realize it... sheesh.. if this continues I'm gonna have to change the Title of this thing to "Head 2 Toe 2 Butt 2 Whatever"... Nah... I don't wanna be subjected to that and I'm sure you don't either... So I think the run of body parts is done... but then again... you NEVER KNOW!... mmmuuuwwwaaahhhaaa....
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
How cool is this... you can make those cute "motivational" posters straight from your pics on Flickr... yes.. I fear I have been Flickrized... OH.. and then I can blog about it directly from Flickr too... I'm loving my new Flickr account and I MAY NEVER LEAVE IT.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Revisiting My Bigass...
Well... that was an interesting psychological experiment - one for the record books.. seems.. "My Bigass" got the most comments EVER in the 2 years or so that I've been writing this blog... EVER... let's all just digest that little bit of info... EVER! Oh... and you didn't even see all the responses cause a couple came in via email... this was my particular favorite...
Right... so my Bigass was SO big it even slowed down the loading time of my blog... great! (It was an issue with Blogger.. I SWEAR...)
Really... thanks for the response everyone... My Bigass and I both appreciate it... now I just have to figure out what body part to photograph next to keep these comments coming! Are you scared yet? HA!
since you put your big butt,,and i quote,,on the blog,it takes forever to come up ,,,lol
Right... so my Bigass was SO big it even slowed down the loading time of my blog... great! (It was an issue with Blogger.. I SWEAR...)
Really... thanks for the response everyone... My Bigass and I both appreciate it... now I just have to figure out what body part to photograph next to keep these comments coming! Are you scared yet? HA!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
One Bigass Target...
You know.. it's surprisingly difficult to take a picture of your own butt... (and I invite you all to take a try at it and send it along to me via email!) You'd think with that big of a target how can I possibly miss.. but miss I did... several times... this was the best shot I could get out of the contortionistic excercise... it was so fuzzy I had to throw a filter on it to make it even slightly useable...

Ayup... time to toss my favorite jeans... or maybe I can just patch 'em and get a few more years outta them...

Ayup... time to toss my favorite jeans... or maybe I can just patch 'em and get a few more years outta them...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Elvis' Window
Friday, March 17, 2006
You'd think I'm Irish...
Nope.. not a drop (that I know of) of Irish in me... Dad's family is Canadian French... Mom's (although we're not positive cause Grandma and Grandpa would never say) is German... but you know what? I got the luck o' the Irish today for sure! I got my first tip in my new little tip jar.. (thank you so much!) The_Man_Jeff called to say he's coming home this afternoon... woohoo... and I've been told I have a surprise gift being delivered to me sometime today... I'm on a roll I tell you... a lovely candle holder last weekend and now a tip, a visit and a surprise present... Who needs leprechauns when you've got wonderful friends and family like I do...
So.. it's shaping up to be a lovely St. Patrick's Day here on 9 2 Bay... May the luck of the Irish be with you all as well... May you be surrounded by your lovin' friends and family - hoist yourself a glass of Guinness, settle down to a nice corned beef and cabbage dinner with some wonderful company, may the wind be at your back as you take the high road to your pot of gold, and may your Lucky Charms never get soggy!
So.. it's shaping up to be a lovely St. Patrick's Day here on 9 2 Bay... May the luck of the Irish be with you all as well... May you be surrounded by your lovin' friends and family - hoist yourself a glass of Guinness, settle down to a nice corned beef and cabbage dinner with some wonderful company, may the wind be at your back as you take the high road to your pot of gold, and may your Lucky Charms never get soggy!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I'm slippin...
Man.. I tell you... I must be really tired... or really rushed... or something... Did you read yesterdays post? ok yeah, I DID whip that one out in about 5 minutes flat, but geez, that still is no excuse... I'm so ashamed... I did a whole paragraph on piss balls being stuck to your butt and not once did the phrase "like a ship full of Klingons orbiting Uranus" appear... geez... I gotta slow down here... I'm missing the trees for the forest... the sheets for the roll even... I promise, I'll do better next time...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I got a present this weekened.. woohoo... no.. you didn't miss my birthday or my anniversary (no worries I'll be sure to remind you when it is my birthday with explicit instructions on where to send your gifts!)... this was one of those lovely unexpected, no reason at all, presents.. which in my opinion is the VERY best kind... Here's a picture.. yeah.. it's one of those crappy cell phone pics and I'll take a better one later but you can get the idea..

Nice huh? I got a 4 candle version... Now.. the nicest thing about this is it was handmade by my loving sisters... It seems they get together often for a quiet day of crafting... you know kind of like people in an insane asylum, it's all very calming and keeps the need for medication to a minimum... and I got the benefit in the way of a lovely candle holder... yeah!
Anyway... it was a nice Sunday visit when they presented me with my gift, although way too short... we barely had time to finish our toilet paper comparison conversation... that's right.. gifts AND stimulating conversation... by the way... it's 2 to 1 for the single ply version... Charmin leaves enuf lint on your butt that you could spin it into a nifty 2 ply yarn and knit yourself a new pair of underwear and that medium weight Soft n' Gentle stuff is perfect for leaving little wadded up pis balls on your butt (you know.. like spit balls but with... oh you get the idea!) So single ply it is... Ayup... it was a great visit... thanks ladies... everytime I light my new candle holder I'll think of you and piss balls... Thanks so much! Love ya!

Nice huh? I got a 4 candle version... Now.. the nicest thing about this is it was handmade by my loving sisters... It seems they get together often for a quiet day of crafting... you know kind of like people in an insane asylum, it's all very calming and keeps the need for medication to a minimum... and I got the benefit in the way of a lovely candle holder... yeah!
Anyway... it was a nice Sunday visit when they presented me with my gift, although way too short... we barely had time to finish our toilet paper comparison conversation... that's right.. gifts AND stimulating conversation... by the way... it's 2 to 1 for the single ply version... Charmin leaves enuf lint on your butt that you could spin it into a nifty 2 ply yarn and knit yourself a new pair of underwear and that medium weight Soft n' Gentle stuff is perfect for leaving little wadded up pis balls on your butt (you know.. like spit balls but with... oh you get the idea!) So single ply it is... Ayup... it was a great visit... thanks ladies... everytime I light my new candle holder I'll think of you and piss balls... Thanks so much! Love ya!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Look everyone.. it's "the-Man-Jeff"... That's right.. in living color right here on the blog... I thought you'd all like a glimpse of him cause I know I sure could use one... So the picture will have to do... and by the way... the picture will stay here until he (at the very least) phone's home...

JM PHONE HOME... or the picture STAYS...hehehe...

Saturday, March 11, 2006
A lovely day - caching, horses, hogs and hooch
What a lovely day today... almost gives you hope that spring is just around the corner... so of course we headed out and did a little geocaching... See..

We even ran into a bunch of clubs... first a horseback riding club...

And I didn't get a pic but the motorcycle clubs were out in force as well.. you tend to run into them when you go to the local Irish Pub for lunch and couple beers... There was more leather in McCarthy's today than in your ordinary strip bar... A nice way to end out a nice day... Then on our way back home we came across this scene... it's a little tough to make out as it was taken from the passenger seat of a moving vehicle, but here you go.. combining all three..

The same group of horses parked beside the motorcycles outside The Gin Mill... You can lead a horse to the local wateringhole and EVERYONE gets a drink! Too fun!

We even ran into a bunch of clubs... first a horseback riding club...

And I didn't get a pic but the motorcycle clubs were out in force as well.. you tend to run into them when you go to the local Irish Pub for lunch and couple beers... There was more leather in McCarthy's today than in your ordinary strip bar... A nice way to end out a nice day... Then on our way back home we came across this scene... it's a little tough to make out as it was taken from the passenger seat of a moving vehicle, but here you go.. combining all three..

The same group of horses parked beside the motorcycles outside The Gin Mill... You can lead a horse to the local wateringhole and EVERYONE gets a drink! Too fun!
Are you new and interesting? Do you live faraway? Do you have some fascinating ideas? Do you know something that I don't know? Check it out.. your supposed to email me today... How do I know this? Check out today's horoscope:
So what are you waiting for?? It says it's gonna lead to MUTUAL ADVANCEMENT... advancement.. it's a good thing... so shoot me a note already!
Gemini: Letters, phone calls, or emails from far away could put you in touch with new and interesting people. These people could well bring some fascinating ideas your way, dear Gemini. Shared knowledge can lead to mutual advancement on both material and spiritual levels, and this process just might turn a casual acquaintance into a firm friend. Expect a lot of contact with these people for a long time to come. Enjoy your day.
So what are you waiting for?? It says it's gonna lead to MUTUAL ADVANCEMENT... advancement.. it's a good thing... so shoot me a note already!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Got Mule?
I DO!! Woohoo... That's right folks... Gov't Mule is coming to the Calvin in Northampton on 4/28 and I got me some tix! I've loved these guys ever since I saw them at the Jammys in NYC 2 years ago... unfortunately at the time I wasn't familiar with their music although I certainly knew their faces from having posted them about a gazillion times on a clients website... We lucked out and got All Access passes to the Jammys courtesy of the client... so of course we had to use the extended permissions that were afforded to us and headrd back stage at the Theater at the Garden... walking thru the semi-dark rats nest of skinny little corridors who was the first star we ran into? None other than Warren Haynes.. THE MULE MAN himself... greeting him with a hey how are ya as we passed in the hall I thought.. huh.. that was Warren Haynes I should have given his stuff a listen... BOY should I have... he blew me away that nite and long story short.. I'm now his number one semi-stalker fan...
When I saw the show listed on the Mule Newsletter, right up the freakin' street, I just had to go... so I put the call into the client for tix... I'm still waiting to hear but I just couldn't chance missing this opportunity.. so I ponied up for some tix myself... now I just have to wait and see if I can score that GOLDEN ticket that the client is working on for me.. that's right.. ALL ACCESS - PHOTO/PRESS PASS... Do I DARE hope??? Keep your fingers crossed with me... but either way...
When I saw the show listed on the Mule Newsletter, right up the freakin' street, I just had to go... so I put the call into the client for tix... I'm still waiting to hear but I just couldn't chance missing this opportunity.. so I ponied up for some tix myself... now I just have to wait and see if I can score that GOLDEN ticket that the client is working on for me.. that's right.. ALL ACCESS - PHOTO/PRESS PASS... Do I DARE hope??? Keep your fingers crossed with me... but either way...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
New Project...
So I think I've found my new project.. Walmart Photo offers these (what look really nice) photo books... that you can upload your photos to and customize with your own text... 35 bucks for a hard cover - leather coffee table quality book with 20 pages of photos... the first 20 pages are included in the price, but you can do up to 200 pages at an extra $1.54 per page... uumm.. YEAH.. sign me up.. How cool is that... Now I just have to decide on what photos to include (it looks like you can put up to 6 photos on each side of each page)... And of course there is that all important "first photo" that will show thru the square cutout in the cover... I tell you what.. shoot me a note or a comment and let me know which photo YOU think should be on the cover..
ps... once I get this completed I'll of course let you know how it turned out.. and who knows.. maybe you'll even have the opportunity to get your own copy...
ps... once I get this completed I'll of course let you know how it turned out.. and who knows.. maybe you'll even have the opportunity to get your own copy...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Save the Arts...
So when I setup my home office I of course needed some art work for the walls... At the time I wasn't doing much with my photographs - printwise... so I had to dig for some stuff to put up on the walls... When I remembered about my portfolio from my old "Basic Drawing 101" class... Now that the pics have been up for a while I realized that a couple of them might be at risk of fading or at the very least getting smeared beyond recognition... So I snapped a couple quick pics of them this morning... most of the pics came out horrible in the low light so I'll have to spend some time lighting them properly and re-photographing them.. but this one didn't come out too bad...

So... this was my attempt at saving the arts today... but I tell you.. if you really want to do something to help "Save the Arts" make one of the prerequisites for taking Basic Drawing 101 a modicum of talent and keep people like me out of that type of classes.

So... this was my attempt at saving the arts today... but I tell you.. if you really want to do something to help "Save the Arts" make one of the prerequisites for taking Basic Drawing 101 a modicum of talent and keep people like me out of that type of classes.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Colonels Mountain Torture...
A half a mile hike in the woods I was told... well.. ok.. almost 2 hours of mountain climbing later... success.. we actually found the cache... Now.. the view.. definitely spectacular... but when you take a desk bound smoker of a computer geek and try and haul their fat butt up a mountain, there's bound to be some whining... and whine I did.. ALL the way up the freakin' mountain... and yet somehow.. it was still fun.. I can whine like a champ but apparently I'm really funny when I do.. I tell you tho.. if your a geocacher and your thinking of attempting this one.. go prepared... I was working on a half a bowl of Raisin Bran and 3 cups of coffee... Water?? We don't need no stinkin' water... yeah right.. half way up the mountain I beginning to threaten to start sucking on the ice flows coming out of the mountainside... 3/4's of the way up.. I sent Mr. 9 2 Bay up the cliff with a rock to hack me off a chunk... I tell ya' that was the best freakin' icicle I ever ate!
So it was a torturous afternoon.. filled with whine served on the rocks... and this evening will entail a date with my couch and long hot soak in my bathtub... next time I'LL read the description on
So.. we went.. we climbed.. we conquered.. and here's some pics for you to enjoy.. I just wish you could have come with... I hate sufferring alone...
The view from the bottom.

The view from the top.

The cache itself.

Not just Later.. never again.. ;)
So it was a torturous afternoon.. filled with whine served on the rocks... and this evening will entail a date with my couch and long hot soak in my bathtub... next time I'LL read the description on
So.. we went.. we climbed.. we conquered.. and here's some pics for you to enjoy.. I just wish you could have come with... I hate sufferring alone...

Not just Later.. never again.. ;)
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Contrast and Compare...
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
New pics on the Flicks...
Hey all... it's a whole new month here.. well.. actually.. it's a whole new month everywhere... but you know what that means... that's right... more upload space on Flickr.. WOOHOO!
So if you've got the inclination, I've uploaded 34 more pics to my account... you can see them here.. OH.. and btw.. if you want to get notified when I upload more photos.. shoot me an email with your email addy and I'll add you to my Flickr contacts.. Fickr will then automatically notify you when I've added more stuff... very nice... very nice indeed...
more.. later...
So if you've got the inclination, I've uploaded 34 more pics to my account... you can see them here.. OH.. and btw.. if you want to get notified when I upload more photos.. shoot me an email with your email addy and I'll add you to my Flickr contacts.. Fickr will then automatically notify you when I've added more stuff... very nice... very nice indeed...
more.. later...
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