Thursday, May 11, 2006

Where did that come from?

Wow.. quite the Idol shocker last nite... I still can't get a handle on who's voting in this years program... In years past it was easy to figure out - it was the teenage girl that ruled the phone lines and pulled Bo, Fantasia, Ruben, and Kelly into instant stardom. They all had that quality that appeals to the teenage girl... OH WAIT... it IS still the teenage girl that's voting... she's just getting older...

Let's see... at 15 she's more likely to want their "girlfriend" to get ahead - so we got Kelly...

At 16 she starting to get into guys but she's still kind of into "Velvet Teddy Bears" so enter Ruben...

At 17 she's probably had her heart broken by the freakin' guy she thought was a Teddy Bear but turned out to be an immature jerk, so lets bring back the girlfriend... Hello Fantasia...

At 18 she's starting to get rebellious... Enter the 'bad boy'... HELLO BO!

Now she's 19 and her mind is starting to turn to things a little more stable but still she's wanting that 'party' attitude... She's probably had enuf of the antics of her "bad boy" boyfriend... yeah.. she wanted "bad" but not THAT freakin' bad... Bo went off and got married and had a baby with someone else.. how DARE he... so she's not gonna go there again and uh oh... Chris is already married with a couple of kids... so yeah.. He's OUT... Katherine is still around cause every 19 year old needs that "girl in the same situation as me to cry with"... but as soon as Ms. Idol Voter decides on which guy is the 'winner' Katherine will be left standing in the wings wondering what happened...

So... The question seems to be "How mature is our 19 year old Idol voter?" Does she want the guy that 'looks old' but still acts like a 12 year old? Or does she want the guy that acts like a 40 year old but looks like a mature Eddie Munster?

My bet.. she's still young.. she's gonna go with the grey haired 12 year old... He looks 'stable' and she's probably betting that she can make him into a stable adult!

Too bad Elliot didn't wait a year before entering the contest... He has a wonderful voice but the average Idol voter isn't gonna be mature enough to wanna date him till she's at least 20 or 21...

It could be worse... he could also be "second husband" material in which case he'd have to wait at least 3 years before entering the contest... You know.. after Ms. Idol Voter marries the immature guy (Taylor), then dumps him for Mr. Exciting Idol Contestant (a Chris-type), then goes back to hanging out with her girlfriend (a Mandisa type - a more mature woman) and then she'll finally be ready for an Elliot...

It's all in the timing...



Anonymous said...
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Laura Merwin said...

Actually it was one of those "light bulb" moments and it all came in to focus in like 3 minutes flat... :) thanks tho...

Me.. I'm actually routing for Taylor... no.. not the immature, jump around like a 12 year old Taylor... but the Taylor that just stands there and sings... you know.. the Taylor that would exist after a couple of years of married life but before he gets dumped and goes back to being a 12 year old again! HA...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... long did it take you to think this up?! I couldn't agree with you more...timing in life is everything! I am so disappointed...Chris was my Idol. Now I guess I'll be routing for Elliot--he may not be pretty but he is definitely talented. Besides, I can't stand Taylor!