Monday, May 15, 2006

Anyone else?

So... sister dearest seems to be having trouble reading the comments attached to the "Where Did That Come from" post... Anyone else? She does use a company computer to read during breaks and they have censored me in the past but for the life of me I just don't see anything that could be construed as "sensitive" in either of those comments! Maybe her system admin is a Katherine fan?? LOL OH.. or maybe the have the title of the show blocked? If you notice I always just refer to it as Idol... but Anonymous used the entire title of the show in their comment... hhhmmm.. could be it... I'm not sure if I can just edit comments or if I have to delete them... I'll check later... but no.. I won't delete, I sent the text of the comments to her in an email so as long as she can get in and comment on other entries, no big deal...

So what a lovely freakin' weekend eh? So sick of the rain! I ended up house-bound all weekend playing with my toys (watch for the pics or go to Flickr and check 'em out) and the Stupid Little Angry Dog™ hasn't gotten off the couch for a week! It was kind of nice having Mr. 9 2 Bay around tho.. no LawnCare for him this weekend, although that just puts him behind schedule for next weekend..

Mother's Day was nice... it would have been nicer if my son had been here, but he did call... (unlike me, who hasn't called "Mother" in light years! It's not that I don't want to wish her a "Happy Mother's Day"... Love you Mom, but I've made a vow to avoid any situation that makes me want to get out the Country Music cd's, the beer, and the prescription medication. Ok.. I'm kidding.. Mom doesn't really make me wanna drink beer.)

Anyway... I feel I've been negelecting the blog these days in favor of Flickr... so I'll try and do better... Things have slowed down a little at work so I'm hopeful that I'll have time to do a little of both...


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