According to we're due for 3 - 5 inches of the white stuff tomorrow... but according to my back, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "nope.. more like 10 - 15 inches"... As I write this I'm flashing on my Grandparents - how they would predict the weather from the intensity of their aches and pains... so when did this happen? When did I get old enough to start prognosticating the weather from my own aches and pains?
OOPS.. word of the week again...
Main Entry: prog·nos·ti·cate
Pronunciation: präg-'näs-t&-"kAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
1 : to foretell from signs or symptoms : PREDICT
synonym see FORETELL
(don't forget to use it in a sentence at least once a day!)
So anyway.. back to my train of thought... I'm so freakin' old and I don't know how I got this way... prognosticating the weather by the ache in my lower back.. thanks so much... I couldn't just read the forecast on nope I get to feel every single flake... and it's not just me... complaining about the deep ache yesterday my office mate (who suffers from arthritis as well) chimed in with "Man... mines killing me too.. I couldn't sleep last nite it hurt so bad.." So people... that's 2 of us... I suppose time will tell if those aches and pains are more accurate than some meteorologist sitting at a computer somewhere... my back has been wrong before, but not very often... so we'll see... (and if we do get dumped on in a major way, I'll be sure to post the pictures as well!)
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