Saturday, January 22, 2005

Snow amounts up...

So... it seems the guys over at the Weather Channel are coming around in their guesstimations of the amount of snow we're supposed to receive here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10... their new prediction... 10 -15... HA... exactly my pain prognostication! The snow is still several hours away, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens... in the meantime it's preparations time here... get out those batteries... flashlights... extra candles... camping lantern... move the vehicles into a better configuration for snow plowing.... fill the bathtub with water (with a private well - if the electricity goes, so does the water pressure, and with it the toilet flushing capabilities)... fill clean containers with drinking water... check on the wood supply for the fireplace... and the list goes on and on...

At this point it almost seems kind of silly and unnecessary... it's bitter cold out there, but the sun is shining brightly... if it wasn't for the weather predictions you might not even know there was a storm coming... OH.. but then there is the aches and pains... could they be part of the grand design... is the human body designed to 'feel the weather' in some primal way as a warning system - saving lives in the pre-doppler radar centuries? "Bessie, my back is acheing somethin' powerful, better gather up thou young'ens, and batten down thine hatches..." "Thor leg hurt - move to back of cave"...

Anyway... here on 9 2 Bay 2 9 2 10 - we're battening down the hatches... moving to the back of the cave... keeping an eye on the weather channel... and popping Ibuprofin like crazy... Stay warm.. stay safe... and keep the aspirin handy...


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