Come Monday and a Doctor's visit later we now have a pooch with Lyme Disease... Luckily we seem to have caught it in time to avoid any damage to her kidneys, although her blood levels were elevated so in a couple of weeks we'll return to the Doc's for another round of blood tests to insure there was no permanent damage to her kidneys...
So... one pain pill and one antibiotic later (she'll be taking pills for the next 30 days, minimum!) she already seems so much better... still not walking, but the doc says that will come in the next couple of days.. but she did manage to suck down a big bowl of milk, a small bowl of water, and almost a whole pouch of tuna! WOOHOO..
So.. moral of the story.. if Fido quits walking around... get him/her to the vet asap... and people... the deer ticks are out in FORCE already... we took a quick stroll thru the Quabbin yesterday and by the time we got back to the truck I had 4 deer ticks and Mr. 9 2 Bay had 6 crawling up our pant legs... eeekkk.... luckily none had latched onto anything...
Hopefully my favorite photo model will be up and around and her old self shortly...
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