Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving musings...

Warm and cozy...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.

I just realized I hadn't exactly blogged that much about our Thanksgiving celebration... well... Everyone behaved themselves!... nothing got broken (unlike in years past and I still don't have any knobs on my stove!)... the Stupid Little Angry Dog didn't bite anyone... no one got food poisening from tainted squash!... the bottle of Tums only made a partial trip around the table with the desserts!... and my shiney new plastic potato masher that a secret santa gave me last year for Christmas actually got used for a whole 3 minutes till it was given up for the previous years obligatory metal fork that always did a fine job anyway! HA! :)

A good time was had by all.. (I think).... and the game of "guess the word" (I wish I could remember the name of the game.. it's something like Taboo.. where you give the guesser clues till they say the particular word that you got) was a ton of fun.... in fact we're still laughing at some of the 'clues' that were given... a particular favorite... "it's a kind of doctor"... and the word was....

can you guess??

PACHYDERM... LOL... ok.. so the clue giver will remain nameless to protect the clueless...

Anyway... it was a great time...


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