Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Fun stuff...

Check it out...

I had to build a "save the date" Holiday party email newsletter invite for a client and was told "just make it simple and classy... What to do.. what to do... so I whipped out the camera.. the wine glass... the sparkly snowflakes.. and voila'... instant newsletter... it was nervewracking waiting for approval, but luckily they liked it and went with it... Yay! (if it looks a little funky it's cause I blanked out the identifable info - can't have any party crashers!) Cool stuff!



Anonymous said...

lovely....who wouldn't want to go to that party?!

Anonymous said...

Ok, miss thang....
Before I put you in my blog and feature you as the extraordinaire photog that you a post a pic as well? Tell me what ya want in...

Laura Merwin said...

Thanks you guys...

Leslie... you may use whichever pic floats your boat! :) Thanks! Laura