Dandy up
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.
Digging back thru the archives to come up with something for the blog... it's been grey and icky (although warm) around here for days now so I haven't really done any shooting... although from what I hear it's just gonna get worse... we've got a cold front coming in with some high winds and rain... rain... come on... I need some SNOW! Not much.. just enough to coat the ground... it's driving me nuts... I see pics from all over the country on Flickr.. snow in Oregon... snow in Montana.. snow in Colorado... snow in New York... hell.. snow in TEXAS... the pictures are all beautiful... but no... not even a flurry here... *sigh**... I may have to just stick to the night shots of Christmas decorations where you can't really see that there is no snow on the ground...