Sometimes I do... you may be surprised to hear this, but I have my faults... yes that's right.. me... I have faults... one of them (but certainly not the least of them) is I tend to be judgemental... and of course I struggle with passing along my judgements to those that I have judged... Sometimes you just feel like you can see where someone is going wrong and you just get the overwhelming urge to scream it from the rooftops, call 'em up and "inform" them, shoot them an email, or at the very least blog it and hope they read it and see themselves in the nuggets of "wisdom" posted there...
Now I could put these judgemental urges down to "trying to save them"... or even "trying to help them with their various issues"... and the ever popular "been there, done that, here's how I got past it".. but frankly I worry that it may have more to do with "I think your screwing up and here's how I think you should change." note the plethora of "I think"s in that little statement... Why does what I think about your issues matter? What makes me think I know best? Maybe your happy... Maybe the only way you can work thru your 'issues' is to recognize them yourself... Maybe just the act of my pointing out what "I think" your issue is, is actually THE issue... Maybe there isn't an issue at all... When exactly does concern for someone turn to 'judging them'... and when does passing along concerns and possible solutions turn into meddling?
Huh... now we move into "helping people with their issues is the job of Therapists"... Does that mean that all Therapists are judgemental? but wait... therapists are supposed to remain impartial... right? So how can they treat you for something if they aren't allowed to make a judgement? Doesn't it all start with the Therapist deciding you have an issue that requires treatment? Or is the difference the fact that you have contacted the Therapist so therefor you think that you have an issue that you need help with - even if that help turns out to be realizing that it is really a non-issue that you shouldn't be worried about at all... OH.. and here we go.. back to.. who decides that it's a 'non-issue'.. the Therapist? but they aren't supposed to judge... DOH! Abbott & Costello "Who's on first?"
And that's exactly why I worry about myself sometimes... I can debate myself for hours on end... oh... but then maybe I'm missing the whole point... maybe there's an issue that I can't even see that makes me want to 'right the world'... or.. Maybe I'm judging myself too harshly and I actually may know a thing or two that could help someone else out.. is NOT saying anything when you may have an answer wrong as well? Does your reason for expressing an opinion or offering advice play a part in all of this? Does having the 'best intentions' justify meddling? Is it 'meddling' if you have the best intentions?
OK... so... now that you've all read this... which of you is worried about me too? and are ya' gonna tell me about it, or will you feel that you'd be meddling? ;)
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