How often have you heard someone say that.. "Nobody's that stupid!"? Well the next time you hear it, you have my permission to pass along this little story.. and ok.. so it doesn't fit in with my Travel Blog, but then again, it does.. I came across this in my travels on the internet... so it's travel.. just of a different kind.. and I swear EVERY word of it is true.. people really are that stupid! At least these 2 characters are.. Anyway.. here it is.. you be the stupidity rating judge..
I had just finished posting the previous entry into my blog and was surfing through the listings on of the latest updated weblogs for anything interesting.. and OH.. but did I find it.. a little blog called "It's just the thing".. it seems to have been started by a gentleman (and I use the term EXTREMELY loosely) that is either in Iowa or was raised in Iowa cause his handle was "Iowaboy".. it seems he has a little jealousy problem.. his girlfriend got hit on by another guy and Mr. Iowa is having a hard time dealing with this.. You see, he can kind of deal with the jealousy he feels toward HER HUSBAND, but not this third guy.. OH.. and the best part is.. she should understand how he feels cause turns out the girlfriend is a little upset when she thinks about Mr. Iowa's WIFE.. after a little lurid detailing of the nite spent together he then compliments her on what a wonderful MOM she is and how he values her assistance with HIS BOYS!!.. And all of this on a public blog!
OK.. so "Stupidity Rating?".. I think we have to double up on this one.. rating number one for the stupidity of the whole affair, and then rating number two for the stupidity of blogging about it.. I'd give you the URL of the blog so you could send the lucky couple your comments yourself, but it seems to have disappeared shortly after I posted a little 'anonymous comment' to it.. hehe.. Mr. Iowa and friend have PLENTY of food for thought that's for sure! Is it wrong that I'm enjoying the thought that somewhere there's a couple of stupid people trying to figure out how I found the blog that they obviously thought was so private? Panic in Iowa.. the thought just fills me with giddieness and glee.. I can't help it.. Is that wrong?
To quote Forrest Gump: "Stupid is as Stupid does" and it sounds like Stupid is DOING Stupid..