Freddy Mercury & Queen... come on'... The only person that can do justice to a Freddy song is Freddy himself and I don't think he's gonna be singing anything anytime soon.. Surprisingly tho.. the contestants really didn't do ALL that badly... even little Forrest.. Forrest Pickler did ok... and when I say "ok" I mean, I didn't shut it off but I wouldn't wanna sit thru it ever again... So who's next to go IMHO? Ace... but then it's been really hard to prognosticate this season.. Mandisa NEVER should have been booted this early, but these things happen...
Oh.. one thing I DO know... the best quote of the night... goes to Bucky with:
"Freddy Mercury is the last guy I'd wanna jump up behind."... HA! Bucky dear, I don't think Freddy would have minded... not so very much at all.. and I'm no Bucky fan, but you did ok on his song too..
Anyway... I'll start the petition...
Dear American Idol Theme Selector:
It has come to our attention that you apparently stopped listening to the radio somewhere around 1978. Your selections of Queen, Barry Manilow and Kenny Rogers as themes for the week on the program only serve to display this point. It is our humble opinion (see the signatures below) that you need to seriously get yourself into a new decade. A rule of thumb that may help is to ask yourself "Did this person's music ever come in the format of an 8 Track Tape?" If the answer to this question is "Yes", you may wish to refrain from selecting their music and at least move onto those stars that first appeared in Cassette Deck format. We have no wish to completely traumitize you and insist that you move straight into vinyl or (god forbid) DIGITAL... but we would be very grateful if your theme selections included at least one week where the "Theme artist" doesn't need viagra just to get out of bed in the morning.
Your loyal audience
Clear 'nuf? Now, get back to work!
well,mandisa was kicked off for good reason,,it would be like watching someone on stage with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth,,,bad habits do not make an american idol
I didn't hear any "bad habits" in Mandisa's singing voice.. I thought she was awesome... best voice in the whole group! Granted.. she 'looks' different than the rest of the group, but I thought this was a singing competition not a weigh in... If we started cutting singers because of their habits we'd never again hear Whitney Houston (drugs), the Rolling Stones (again drugs + alcohol), John Mellencamp (smoker), Warren Haynes (big guy), BB King (big guy), Van Morrison (alcohol).. and the list goes on and on...
Sorry... not sure who you are (maybe friend - maybe family - maybe total stranger)... but I wasn't aware that you had to be "thin and perfect" to get a recording contract! SHAME ON YOU!
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