Saturday, April 15, 2006

Taxes, swollen ankles and fried drives...

Sheesh.. what a week...

Monday... Back up laptop hard drive - failure imminent - send away for new drive

Tuesday... install more memory in old clunker computer - laptop failure imminent

Wednesday... Laptop Hard drive failure

Thursday... Realize that I didn't get everything I needed off the laptop - husband sprains ankle but continues to work anyway.

Friday... Take a lovely day off to do my freakin' taxes... Realize my bookkeeping software will not import into my tax software unless I update it... $210 and an hour or so later I begin my taxes... offer once again to take husband to hospital as his ankle has now turned purple and swelled to twice it's normal size... he went to work anyway... Finish taxes 6 hours later... Hard drive arrives.. Learn my son got the job he applied for in Connecticut.. Realize I may never see him again... Cry quietly at my desk... stupid taxes!

Saturday... review and submit taxes... pray quietly to the anti-audit Gods... install hard drive and 500 miscellaneous programs.. 6 hours later Laptop almost back to normal... offer to take husband for an x-ray... he went to work anyway...

I just can't WAIT to see what tomorrow brings!


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