Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura.
On a Sunday ride this week we came across the most awesome shop... They do consigment/estates sales... They had a HUGE collection of all kinds of statuary from the Colgate Mansion... these were just a small portion...
So... anyway... that was probably the last Sunday I'll have off for a while... yup... I got my DREAM job... actually.. it's BETTER than my dream job... if you read along here you know that all I wanted to do was to be a cashier at Wally mart... just that mind numbing... I don't need to think.. beep beep beep as you drag the customers items across the IR price reader... hello customer.. good bye customer... no worries... clock out and leave work at work J.. O... B... Well... I did orientation last nite for an even BETTER job... the Fitting Room at Wally mart... yeah... the same "get out with some REAL people job" but without all that beeping... well.. maybe some beeping.. I'll be answering the store phones as well...
ok.. so I've taken a ton of "WHY do you wanna do that?" questions from peeps... Well...
first.. I LOVE Walmart... I'm there half the time anyway...
and second... I'm going out of my tree working from home... I'm far too social to be cooped up in my little back office with no one to talk to except the Stupid Little Angry Dog...
Third... I LOVE retail work... ok.. so I was a bank teller.. which isn't really retail... but it's close enough... I really miss the comings and goings of the different customers...
Fourth... if they wanna pay me $8.75 an hour with a 40 - 60 cent raise after 90 days to say "OH.. you have 3 items.. here.. have a number 3" then hey.. who am I to argue...
So anyway... I'm looking forward to the new job... (sick huh? We'll see if I'm still so anxious to get to work in a month or so)... now.. if I can just get them to fix my hours... since when is 8am - 5pm on a FRIDAY called "nights and weekends"!!! OH.. and then there was the stipulation that I made during my interview that I needed to have the afternoon of the 17th off for the in-laws Christmas party... you got it.. they have me scheduled for 5pm... At least they stuck by the deal of having the 23rd off for my families Christmas... OH.. and then there was the "temporary position" paperwork in my orientation packet... temporary?? I didn't hear anyone mention "temporary" during my interview... **sigh**... Oh well.. I'm sure it'll all get straigtened out tonite when I do my first shift...
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