I came across this article today online... seems this woman Photographer wants to start a non-photography day, claiming that she wanted people to "put your camera down and appreciate the moment you are in".
"Experience life in an unmediated fashion, without anything in front of your eyes. Live in the moment," she added.
Yeah... like I'm gonna leave my camera home.. you know that's just asking for it... you'll be strolling along and out of the shadows will pop Big Foot, pointing at the giant UFO in the sky, which is perfectly placed in between double rainbows, as the sun peaks thru the perfectly placed storm clouds, perfectly illuminating not only Big Foot but the giant Panda behind him that's doing the hokey pokey with a 6 foot Canadian Goose! Pfftt... leave the camera home... what was she thinking? People are dumb.
never mind "what was she thinking"...how 'bout you....how do you think up such vivid images?!
Well, yes. Yesterday I put my camera down, permanently, as one would put a cat to sleep. I dropped it into the Halifax Gorge. Hope you don't mind, this is the perfect lead-in to my own long neglected blog. :o(
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