King o' the Hay Pile...
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.
Try and knock me off.. I dare yyyaaaahhh...
Hangin' out at the local goat farm... Big doin's this weekend!
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
Try and knock me off.. I dare yyyaaaahhh...
Hangin' out at the local goat farm... Big doin's this weekend!
You do the Hokey Pokey and you shake your head about...
When they told the Captain that the dinosaur was an herbivore he replied "Yeah... and it's my job to make sure it doesn't come back ever again!"
Gretchen... the stupid little angry dog.. looking not so stupid, nor angry... Lately this is the only way I can get a photo of her is to sneak up on her while she's asleep while hiding the camera... She just learns too quickly... She see's me with the camera now and immediately runs to the door thinking we're gonna go out and take some pics... Funny how they get trained like that... She really is a Pavlov's dog...
Camera = goin' outside
Eric Clapton's "Layla" = run for the cell phone...
Theme song to Stargate SG1 = run for the couch cause Mom's gonna join me in a minute and I can sit on her.
Eric Clapton sings Layla in the late afternoon = Daddy's coming home, run to the back of the couch to watch out the window for him!
Sad really... LOL
Captain Randy hadn't been home in a VERY long time... He was shocked to find that the dandylions were waist high in the back garden, Franz, his faithful friend, no longer recognized him, and his wife had run off with the plumber. Captain Randy cursed himself for not having weeded the garden before he left, but at least that nasty leak was fixed.
Don't ya wanna pet the nice kitty? Aww... soft and fuzzy kitty...
Technicolor dino war!
So... Jeff and Sasha showed up today... and they had this guineau pig with them... and... well.. the rest is obvious... ;)
Sometimes your the horse...
Sometimes your not.
Love the Flickr Toys - great for making mosiacs and stuff!
view large (by clicking on it) for best colors - Crazy Daisy Segment
But I don't want my picture taken!
Blurry - squirmy kittens... can't get much cuter than that!
Tawnie would get all gussied up at least once a year whether she had somewhere to go or not... Mostly she would head to the pharmacy and hang out near the prescription counter and talk to any older, well-dressed, gentleman that happened by... preferably ones with really bad coughs...
and one more to chase that ankle on down the page.. this one is best viewed large (click on it and you will see it bigger)...
More pretty pictures to make up for the nasty ankle!
Thought you might wanna look at something other than the nasty bruised ankle...
Fun with photoshop... saturation... sharpen.. spotlight... canvas... heavy grain... basically anything you can do to a perfectly acceptable pic...
why walk when you can ride... Peter had other ideas however...
if he could just make it to those tall weeds he might be able to save himself...
More fun with toys! :)
I probably should have told my brother I was taking pics of him and putting them on the internet... but he doesn't have an online service.. so I guess he'll never know!
Dear American Idol Theme Selector:
It has come to our attention that you apparently stopped listening to the radio somewhere around 1978. Your selections of Queen, Barry Manilow and Kenny Rogers as themes for the week on the program only serve to display this point. It is our humble opinion (see the signatures below) that you need to seriously get yourself into a new decade. A rule of thumb that may help is to ask yourself "Did this person's music ever come in the format of an 8 Track Tape?" If the answer to this question is "Yes", you may wish to refrain from selecting their music and at least move onto those stars that first appeared in Cassette Deck format. We have no wish to completely traumitize you and insist that you move straight into vinyl or (god forbid) DIGITAL... but we would be very grateful if your theme selections included at least one week where the "Theme artist" doesn't need viagra just to get out of bed in the morning.
Your loyal audience
Sometimes I'm actually glad when my husband leaves his stuff lying around...
He pulled it off the mower this weekend and this was as far as it got... but then again, I told him not to throw it away.. I love the colors and it makes a great photo prop...