Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Life - another example...

So.. did you all read that article about the guy in Westboro that left his car unlocked at a train station only to return and find a 15 thousand dollar diamond ring on his front seat? Yeah... I read it too... Can I borrow this guys life? Come on'.. just for a little while... we already have alot in common.. I too left my truck unattended only to find a nifty Christmas gift awaiting me upon my return! Really... Addressed personally to me and signed "Santa".. OH the joy... the glee... the wonderful surprise... The man-child said I should wait till Christmas to open it but never being one to enjoy waiting for anything I of course ripped the festive paper off that puppy quicker than you can say "POTATO MASHER???" That's right... so some guy out in Westboro got him self a genuine golden sparkler for Christmas and I got a potato masher... and that's just another perfect example of "My Life"... So the moral of the story is "When life leaves you a little surprise, don't get all worked up, just boil yourself some potatoes and take it out on them in style... with a brand new black plastic potato smasher!" The End...
ps.. Thanks Santa... I guess you really do hear everything. Even conversations with sisters who suffer third degree burns while mashing potatos at my house on Thanksgiving with a fork!

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