Monday, December 05, 2005

Frozen pixels...

Woohoo... the new camera has arrived! But I can't use it yet... Why?? Cause it's FROZEN solid... it seems the FedEx man either didn't like the look of my driveway or was just too freakin' lazy to drive on up... I went to their website and did the online tracking thing and saw it said "Delivered"! HUH?? at 2pm!! So.. down the driveway I went to scope things out.. and there was my $269 camera, in a plastic bag, tied to the bottom of my mailbox, sitting in a snow banking, just 5 inches from the road!! DAMN!!!! Can you say "Silver Toilet Paper Award" coming right up, and you better believe they will hear about it too! *sigh...

If it ever thaws out you'll get pics!


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