So much for assuming that because the new camera is newer version of the old camera that there wouldn't be much of a learning curve. After shooting a hundred or so pics with the new one with some pretty terrible results I've given up the theory that a Z5 is the same camera as the Z1. It seems to be that "anti-shake" module that is causing the issue... the old camera didn't have it but the new one does, and I've found that (especially when shooting close up) causes the pics to be blurry and very "soft"... unacceptable! Blurry to the point of considering sending the camera back! Luckily it allows you to shut the anti-coffee-hands off! I'll try some long range hyper-zoomed photo's later and see what kind of results I get with and without the anti-shaker, it is more a correction for that type of photo anyway..
Well.. anyhow.. here's the first decent pic I got out of the new bugger... or at least a section of it.. LOVE the 5 megapixel HUGE image size... if you click to enlarge this one you can even see my reflection in the little monsters eyes! VERY cool!

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