Saturday, October 22, 2005

Holy Screamin' Girly Girls, Batman!

Halloween! I love this time of year... Combine ghosts, ghouls, costumes and candy and it can't help but be a blastfest! The nice thing is television has been jumping on the candy corn bandwagon with a vengenance this year, with several channels having 'spooky marathons' for the entire week leading up to the Holiday... woohhooo...

Of course the SciFi channel is down with the spooky movies, however, they used to do it SO much better... in the beginning years of SciFi they concentrated on the classics.. a whole weekend of Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolfman (and I have the VHS tapes to prove it!) now though they've gone gorey... Halloween 1 thru 675... basically every slasher movie ever made... uummm.. no thanks.. I like my horror implied... not splattered in fake blood all over the screen...

Even the Travel Channel has gotten in on the scarey festivities, with "Haunting" type shows all week long.... now.. this is more like it.. I'm a blood sucker for some ghosties and ghoulies and no one does it better than TAPS... Unfortunately though, they have also taken to showing that British Ghost Invasion program "Most Haunted"... frankly I think they mis-named it.. it should be "Most Annoying"... Never have I watched a program with more grown men screaming like a bunch of 10 year old girly girls! Geez... guys.. I know your English... but suck it up and grow some will ya! One little fly-by by a bat... a little scurrying of a nearby rat... and their off and running... screaming in that high-pitched, fingernails on a chalkboard, shoot me in the head and put me out of my misery, type voice that could normally only emanate from a prepubescent female that just had her favorite doll ripped from her sticky candy-coated hands! And good lord...DON'T let any plaster fall from that crumbling ceiling cause that will not only set off the horrible screaming once again but it will be punctuated with about 15 ear-piercing bleeps as the sensors continually hit the agro-buzzer to cover the swear words... geez... you signed up for a ghost hunt, so quit running away every time something 'odd' happens, ya' sissies! SHEESH!

And then last but not least... "Dead Tenants"... another Travel Channel gem... Where a couple of women mediums go ghost hunting to help poor families deal with their spirit-infested homes... This one could be a decent show, if I could get past the fact that the couple of times I watched the show it was more "sleep-over" than seance... That's right... The girls actually go to sleep on the job... I wonder if they bring their own Aero-beds or if they insist that the clients provide them? They kind of wander around the house - arms outstretched - and give their opinion of what's what... then it's off to bed... only to awaken in the morning to report that they kind of felt they weren't alone during the nite... riveting! At least they don't snore... or maybe they make the editors cut that part out of the finished products...

Anway... bring on the Milk Duds... the fun size packs of M&M's... the jack-o-lanterns... and I'll warm up the VCR so we can do a review of what REAL Halloween TV used to be... A weekend full of Lugosi, Chaney, Price and Lorre... thank god for VHS!

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