That's right... Fluff... cause frankly I'm not a football fan... I'm strictly the commercial watching, half-time show Superbowl watcher... so how bout those commercials... eh... I've seen better... amazing how the fear of a little booby can take the fun out of everything... at least Ameriquest didn't get too scared... they had a couple of very funny spots, especially the cooking guy with the knife, the cat, and the pot of tomato sauce... (and their other spot "Your gettin' robbed" was pretty funny as well!)
BUT... my biggest source of Superbowl frustration?? Half-time... Paul McCartney... how long has this guy been around? 40 years, maybe?? You'd think he could play a guitar by now... even if he was faking it way back in the day with the Beatles, you'd think he'd have picked up some chords by now... Hell.. I play a more convincing air guitar with my 6 guitar lessons under my belt than he did with that bowl appearance... if you Tivo'd it, go back and take a look, the man's right hand NEVER moves from it's original position on the neck of the guitar... Oh.. he made the body movements... he made the appropriate "playing guitar is hard" faces... he even pointed it at the sky and dropped it back down in a huge crescendo flourish.. but not once did he change chords... Oh, he plucked a couple of the strings with his left hand, but that was it... Maybe he's so old he's got arthritis and can't play anymore... Maybe he's just so full of himself that he thinks he can phone his performance in now and get away with it... Maybe he figured everyone would be so dazzled by the special effects that no one would notice he wasn't really playing... you know... when you put yourself up on a seperate little stage, on the 50 yard line, during the biggest tv event of the year, you probably should at least try to do the job you were hired to do...
Ok..I'll admit, I was disappointed with the choice of artist for this event, McCartney is past tense in my opinion, and he has been since the Beatles hit that long and winding road, his flight with Wings always seemed second class to me... but this performance... this one was the last nail in his coffin for me... and of course, the coffin is made of Norwegian Wood...
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