Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's a bird.. It's a plane.. It's.. CAPTAIN COPYRIGHT!

It's a bird.. It's a plane.. It's.. CAPTAIN COPYRIGHT!
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura

Yes. Captain Copyright! That lesser known super hero!

Defender of Artists everywhere!

Your weapons shall not deter me from my task!

Tell me the Photographer is dead and I shall scoff at you!

Try and sneak Little Jimmies School Portrait in between stacks of snapshots from last Christmas and I shall route it out of the pile and destroy it!

Even your most strongest weapon of "I intend to tell a member of Management what a rude woman you are." is no weapon that can defeat the all mighty Captain Copyright it shall simply show Management that I am indeed doing the tasks for which I am employed and shall instead of getting Captain Copyright in trouble it will get Captain Copyright a raise for actually doing her job.

So. Go ahead. Make my day... Pull that professional portrait of dear dead Grandma off the wall and attempt to make a copy of it. For I shall laugh as I send Grandma through the shredder...


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