Driving Light.
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto/Laura
It was an amazing sight watching all the horse teams flying through the midway at the Big E.
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
It was an amazing sight watching all the horse teams flying through the midway at the Big E.
I'm feeling rather minimalistic today so here's my minimal effort.
OH what fun.. I picked up a cheapo motion detector digital camera the other day and we've set it up in the woods near the house. This morning we had a deer come by for a photo shoot. I can't wait to see what else we have out there although I'm a little worried about what I might see.. LOL... coming home after dark will never be quite the same if I see something out there that shouldn't be so close to the house!
We managed to miss the Belchertown Fair this year. bummer... this is all that was left when we finally made it up there last nite.. The rides were only partially lit... A few shots were all that I could manage from the passenger seat of the Miata and yet I really like them. We had gone up to have some "Fair Food" for supper.. you know.. a healthy diet of Fried Dough with maybe some fruit for dessert (aka Candy Apples)... Instead we ended up in the Wong Garden... nope.. not a typo... Wong Garden - a chinese food place that was recommended to me by a co-worker... I must say.. you got HUGE portions for very little bucks... and if they hadn't dumped a whole crap load of MSG into the beef and broccoli (and the rice) it would have been really.. REALLY good... as it is though we had dinner at about 7pm last nite and I'm still freakin' thirsty from all that salt.. next time I'll see if they can go MSG free for me.. either that or I'll stick with the ginormous chicken fingers and the really good home-made duck sauce...
ok.. so not really "quit"... I just won't be doing web work all day long anymore... I don't really know what to call it when you've told your biggest client "No more!". Have you quit? Fired yourself? Fired your client? More than likely it's called "I've discontinued your contract.", but that doesn't sound nearly as dramatic as...
I QUIT! :)
More of the Quabbin Twins... This was actually from a couple of weeks ago and I just haven't had time to process it... I've been up to the Quabbin a couple of times in the past week or so and they haven't been anywhere to be found. Hopefully I'll run into them again sometime soon!
I took a trip up the orchard in the Quabbin this morning looking for the deer. There was just this one having some sweet apples for breakfast and she took off pretty quick when she spotted me.
Just the beginning of the fall flowers. I'm really pleased with how this one turned out. It really feels good when what you picture in your mind actually comes out exactly the same in the finished picture. That rock in the background makes the perfect backdrop to the buds...
My new rod iron wall hanging... I'm not quite sure where it's final spot will be so I'm trying it in different locations both inside and outside the house. I may even go back and pick up another one. It was quite the bargain. Ocean State Job Lot had them for 15 bucks. The original price tag from kohl's was still on the packaging - $60! I may even try this as a headboard. I think 2 of them would span the mattress nicely. We'll see.
Instead of my usual fake drive-in commute today, I took a walk down my driveway with the camera. I think it's time we got rid of the "Nice Boat" that lives at the edge of the woods down there.
Ok.. so this pic is one you may have seen before, it's from exactly one year ago, but I've been so busy that I haven't had time to shoot anything... so busy that I'm starting to reconsider my work schedules... so busy that that reconsideration is even including going so far as to consider quitting my day job. I haven't made any decisions as yet and I'm still considering (hopefully) ALL the options... but I do know that something has probably got to give.
The Stupid Little Angry Dog™ just has no patience for the camera.
A quick update on the new Photo Center job. Let's just say "I'm lovin' it."... I haven't folded anything or picked anything up off the floor or put anything on a hanger ALL WEEK! Woohoo... Zoning the department, which normally would take HOURS (as in 3 hours minimum).. now takes 5 minutes..
Now that's not to say that I haven't been busy, I've been wicked busy, but it's a good busy... developing film left and right.. learning the machines.. my first roll of film that I worked on even ended up being a pain in the butt that forced me to have to learn to use the black box (a light free box where you stick your hands in and manually remove the film from the roll and re-spool it into a blank cassette working completely without being able to see what your hands are doing)...
So what was the first picture on the first roll that I developed all by myself? A bouquet of flowers! Perfect... Which was alot nicer than the first customer that I waited on by myself in the new department, I've never seen anyone get quite as upset as that little old lady over the fact that we didn't have any traditional style photo albums... I guess you can take the girl outta the as* floss department, but you can't take the as* holes outta the store... How's that for a picture for ya'.. LOL
ok.. so my exposure was way off and I didn't intend for The Stupid Little Angry Dog™ to be in the shot.. but there you go.. sometimes you just have to roll with it! I was using the lawn chair as a tripod, plunked the camera down, kind of aimed at that tree in the background and hit the timer, ran like heck (cause of course on a 900 dollar camera body they only give you a lousy 10 second timer) and hurriedly laid down on the lawn. It was all too much for the dog, she took off running after me and then became concerned when I laid down. I was thrilled when I saw the shot, I don't think I could have framed it any better if I had actually tried but I messed up the ISO setting. I had been shooting in the dark woods so I had the ISO cranked up to 400 and then of course, when I moved back into the light, I forgot to reset it. damn... I might have to retry this...
OH.. the things you see when your out and about on a lovely day... I probably should have gotten the artist to stand beside his creation so you could see the actual scale (heh.. get it .. SCALE..) of this.. he's got to be at least 9 feet tall.. He was created by Wilbraham Massachusetts artist Peter G. Mayberry, Sr. of Mayberry's Metal Art... (hit me with an email if you want some contact info for him)... All I can say is.. now I know what I want for Christmas!
We actually lucked out and got to meet the artist and his wife, a very nice couple indeed. They very nicely invited us onto their property and showed us around his shop and the lovely gardens and rock waterfall that they have in the back yard which, of course, if full of more of his work. I'll post a couple more pics in a few. His art is absolutely wonderful and the colors that he manages to get out of sheets of metal is just amazing!
Sung to the tune of "Beer Barrel Polka"...
The colors are a bit odd on this one, but frankly I really like the 'off hue' on this one.. all kinds of news around this place.. in a quick nutshell:
Happy Anniversary to me... 23 years! Sheesh... Where does the time go?
Happy New Job to me... You'll still find me at the Wally World... but now instead of finding me amongst the bras and panties, your gonna have to go to the PHOTO CENTER... How freakin' perfect is that? Not that that wasn't the department that I had initially applied for but sometimes you gotta take what you can get and just wait it out until there is an open slot. So... I get to deal with the stuff that I love, wear a really cool white lab coat (well, actually I suspect that are gonna be more HOT than cool.. but whatever), I'll get out at 9pm instead of 10, I was told the hours are "pretty much the same" (pretty much? uumm... ok so that's a little scary... exactly what is 'pretty much'), get to meet other photographers, and I get to see everyone's pictures!! OH and they are even gonna pay me more. The transfer is gonna happen pretty quickly. I start training next week for a couple of hours during my regular shift amongst the intimates. I do have quite a bit to learn... the photo developing equipment and the register mainly.. But... I can't wait to get started! I will miss the ladies from softines tho... but.. I can always visit... I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it in the coming days and weeks... but YAY!
A muse according to wikipedia is:
In Greek mythology, the Muses (Greek Μοῦσαι, Mousai: perhaps from the Proto-Indo-European root *men- "think"[1]) are a sisterhood of goddesses or spirits, their number set at nine by Classical times, who embody the arts and inspire the creation process with their graces through remembered and improvised song and stage, writing, traditional music and dance.
Sounds impressive, doesn't it? When I think of a muse I tend to get a little more simplistic. A muse to me is someone that inspires you, works closely with you and just generally is up for anything. That's what I'm talking about. A muse. A cohort. A partner in the crime that is my photographic vision. Someone that can smile and say "Sure, why not!" when I get out the fuzzy bunny ears, inflate a blue balloon and corral the Stupid Little Angry Dog™.
The correct applicant for this position would be one that offers to drive when at midnight I want to grab the camera, the oddly shaped zucchini that came out of the garden, a pitchfork and shovel, and head out to the local Grange Hall. Suggestions from the proper muse would be most welcome and questions such as "Should I wear the overalls or the wedding dress for this one?" are absolutely encouraged.
Applicants should be able to sprint at least one quarter mile, jump and land, unhurt, in the passenger seat of a small convertible, without scratching the paint job and while being chased by local law enforcement officials and/or random junk yard dogs. Bonus points will be given to any applicant that can do the above in almost complete darkness while wearing a prom gown, flip-flops and a football helmet.
So, if your that kind of person, I want to hear from you.
Extra consideration will be given to any applicant that shows up for their interview carrying suggestively shaped produce.
Applicants with their own wig collection will be considered for a permanent position.
This position does not include monetary compensation of any kind but I can guarantee* you a photo album that will have your grand children buzzing for years to come!
*no guarantees will be made that said photo album will not be used as exhibit A in any particular court of law.