Geo Orange
Originally uploaded by BayRoadPhoto.
Yeah... gettin' ALOT of work done today... my mind seems to have left the building for the 4th of July long weekend already...
There is always something happening on Route 9 to Bay Road, back to Route 9, across the river, thru the center of Northampton, and on down 10!
Yeah... gettin' ALOT of work done today... my mind seems to have left the building for the 4th of July long weekend already...
with his Snack Wrap...
Yes.. I bring my camera and my toys with me to McDonald's... don't you? Luckily my new camera is much smaller than my old one (plus I'm down to one camera in the bag rather than 2) which.. WOOHOO... gives me much more room for toys.. toys... TOYS... I've learned my lesson.. we were at McD's last week and there was this absolutely perfect little old lady across the street, sweeping her driveway... and I mean SWEEPING.. no grain of sand went unnoticed by her... her outfit was a perfect combination of black & white and the huge mop of grey hair on the top of her head was arranged in an ode to Albert Einstein kind of way... she would have made an awesome portrait... and where was my camera? In the truck out in the parking lot... SHEESH... never again if I can help it...
"You know.. I clicked on the picture of the Masslive thingy in your blog and it took me to another website... Those weren't your pictures... They were beautiful..."
Everyone is welcome here in the house of the Lord.. except YOU - you filthy pigeon!
Woohoo.. I got front page (in a rotation of several photo's) of Masslive.com - HAD to take a screenshot... Oh... the web is just so fleeting... front page today.. archives tomorrow...
A cloudy day and a color overlay... Possibly one of the best shots I've ever taken from the Enfield lookout... and I've taken tons.. hasn't everyone... but this one... I made a special trip up there because I knew the sky would be OH so dramatic... almost like a real photographer... planning my shots! Go figure!
Next to the pink frogs, Kathy's next favorite food is "pony on the cob"... Yum!
Ok.. so a picture of Purina with some fresh Tiger Lilies might not have been the best idea!
Digging thru some old pics - this was taken with my very first digital camera a 1.3 megapixel Olympus Camedia D-360L - really low-res compared to today, but I still love this pic! OH.. and so did a group of Dentists - it appears on their website.
The orange kitty never did like to do her crunches..
Taken at 4am June 14, 2006. Not too bad for my first attempt at long exposures with this camera and being half asleep to boot! My recent camera's haven't been capable of long exposures so this is really the first time I've done this since I was shooting a film slr back in the early 80's! I think I'm gonna have to do this more often!
Apparently if your old fat and slow the key is to use the 10 second delay on the self-timer!
He'll be right over to pump you out!
Woohoo.. FINALLY... I haven't been able to go out and shoot for weeks now.. well I could.. but that crappy steel grey sky just does nothing for the pictures... I can only hope this lasts!
I'm sure it's not raining there.. even this little fly seems to be sick of it.. I just about assaulted him with my lens and he didn't budge an inch!
Purina does this at least once a day... from throughout the house you can hear her back there, gnawing on the wire parts of the cage... my only consolation is perhaps it'll dull down those little razor-like teeth of hers... I swear she's in there yelling "Gimme the Finger!!"...
towards a degree in Engineering for the kid... and this is what I get for my money... Yeah.. ok.. it's worth it!
I picked up all kinds of delicious new background papers this weekend so expect lots of color coordinated goodness around here!
You know.. most wives get flowers from their husbands... mine brings me a turtle! And I couldn't have been happier - not even with 4 dozen roses - diamonds... now that's another story!
Playing about in photoshop - blew out the brightest purple and loved what was left!